Chapter 6 - Confession Of Love

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This emotion of love was foreign to Black Hat. Although, it happened to him now. He felt it.

Black Hat took a breath, then he had a slight smile. He closed his eyes, resting a bit again.


Two hours later -

Black Hat finally gets up, off that bed. He walked out of the room.

He was walking down the hallway now.


Black Hat goes into the lab. He saw that Flug is still working on the device. He watched him now, with a smile.

Flug had heard footsteps. He turned his head and noticed that Black Hat was there. He smiles, under his paperbag.

When Black Hat notices that Flug saw him, he glanced at the ground, his stare was not on the scientist now.

Flug kept his smile, then he was looking at that device again.

Black Hat walks over to him, slowly. He pretended to be interested in this device, when he truly wasn't. He was standing next to Flug.

He looked down at him, slightly staring now.

Flug stayed quiet, noticing Black Hat's stare on him, but he didn't say anything about it.

He didn't mind that Black Hat was near him. He actually liked it, he secretly loved Black Hat's presence. He was liking the slight closeness and how the other male stared at him, silently.

There's silence in that room, for awhile.

'I have to tell him. He'll find out eventually.’ Black Hat's mind screamed at him. He knew that he had to. He had a blush now.

Flug stares at him, as he noticed that Black Hat's face was reddish.

“A-Are you okay?” he asked the other male.

Black Hat snapped out of his thoughts. “I'm alright.” he said, quietly.

Flug slowly nods his head at that, although he was unsure if Black Hat was alright. He knew something was bothering him.

He sighed and decided to ask him.

“Y-You sure? S-sir, what's wrong?”

Black Hat kept his stare on him, his eyes locked with Flug's. He was getting flustered.

“I..I.. I'm not really sure. I'm not okay. These emotions are stressing me out. But also, I'm slightly..afraid to tell you something…”

Flug also stared at Black Hat's eyes. “W-What is it? I-It's okay, you can tell me.”

Black Hat nodded his head. He takes a deep breath, then he started talking.

“..Flug, I've been having thoughts about you. I can't stop thinking of you. I-I think that I have feelings for you. It's strange.. I really like you. I probably also feel this emotion, it's love, right?”

Flug was staring at him, as Black Hat talked. His eyes slightly widened. Did his boss actually say that he loves him?

He did hear that right, he's sure of it. It's just a bit shocking, coming from him.

“Does your heart beat fast near me? Do you feel warmth around me?” Flug also asked.

Black Hat nods his head again.

Flug had another small smile, hearing that. He has liked his boss for a long time, he never thought that Black Hat would ever feel the same way.

Being human has made Black Hat slightly different, although not too much. Flug likes this, that the other male hasn't changed a lot, but now has emotions and feelings. He was also still happy by Black Hat's confession to him.

Flug got close to him. “I-I really like you too.” he replied, warmly, in a nice voice.

He puts his paperbag up a little bit, until only his lips were showing.

Flug also grabs Black Hat's wrist, pulling him closer.

He leaned in and kissed Black Hat, on the lips now.

Black Hat made a low noise in Flug's mouth, he liked these lips.

Flug puts his tongue in Black Hat's slightly opened mouth.

Black Hat closed his eyes and let out a moan against Flug's lips. He lets Flug take the lead in the kiss, since he isn't really experienced. He was weirded out by the tongue, but he also kisses back.

Flug wrapped his arms around Black Hat, holding him.

They kept kissing each other.

Black Hat relaxed with him. He hums softly into the kiss. He also wraps his arms around Flug's body, loving this warmth between them.

After a minute, they pull apart now.

They were both panting, staring at each other again.

Black Hat was blushing a bit, as he panted.

Flug almost melted at the sight. Although, he just smiled now, thinking that it's adorable. He held him again, after that.

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