Chapter 14 - Killing, Bleeding Wound, & Warm Bodies ♡

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Flug's body shaked in fear and worry. He looked down at his lover who's bloody right now.

Black Hat stared at him, silently. His breathing heavy and low, badly shaky. He was losing too much blood. He felt tired, coldness getting to him. He closed his eyes, as he falls unconscious.

Flug held him.

He kept holding Black Hat, close to him.

“Black Hat..” he said, quietly, tears falling down now.


Flug felt so bad, Black Hat was probably dying (he wasn't sure how bad the wound is yet) because he protected him.

Now it's his turn, he's protecting both of them.

He aimed that ray gun at the assassin. Although, his arm was slightly shaking.

This assassin still had that smirk. He was about to hurt him. Until something else happened as well.

Dementia was standing behind the assassin. She ripped one of the knives out of the assassin's hand (the knife without Black Hat's blood). She stabbed him in the back and through the heart, with his own knife. She killed him. His dead body falls to the ground.

She killed the assassin for stabbing Black Hat and almost hurting Flug. She also did this to protect them.

The lizard girl stares at the now dead corpse.

Then, she looked at them. 

"Is that Black Hat?" Dementia asked him, quietly. 

Flug thought for a second. Black Hat was hurt, so there's no point in lying to Dementia anymore. He nods his head. "Yeah, it's him." 

Dementia just nodded her head at that. She noticed how close Flug held their boss. She knew that they're together. She was a little bit saddened, but she had another smile too, feeling slightly happy for them. 

She also notices Black Hat is bleeding badly and that Flug is slightly covered in the blood. 

Flug gives a sad smile to her, it's also one filled with gratefulness (because she saved them). 

Dementia smiles back at him. 

5.0.5 was standing in the doorway, absolutely terrified. 

“We gotta help him.” Dementia said to the scientist, her voice full of worry.

She glances worriedly at Black Hat.

“Y-Yeah, h-he is losing too much blood.. T-Take 5.0.5 and leave, stay in the living room, please.” Flug said to her.

Dementia nods her head. She stares at them one last time, then she walked over to the shaken blue bear and grabs 5.0.5’s paw. She drags him out of there.

They leave the lab.

Flug is alone with Black Hat now. He was still holding him in his arms.

He stayed there for a few more seconds. Then, he slowly gets up, lifting Black Hat with him. He also left the lab.


Flug had carried Black Hat into his (Flug's) room, because he has medical supplies in there. 

He closes the door and locked it behind them.

Flug puts Black Hat down onto the bed, on his back, gently.

He takes off their bloody clothes, putting them in a pile on the ground after.

They are both in their boxers now.

Flug grabbed the first-aid kit from the nightstand drawer. He opens it on the bed.

He was staring at Black Hat's bleeding wound now. He noticed that it's slightly deep, but when he was stabbed, the knife didn't hit anything that could cause his death. He just has to stop the bleeding. He sighed in slight relief.

Flug grabs a needle, he threads it. Then, he sews Black Hat's wound, pulling it closed. He stitched the skin there.

When he was finished, he tied the last piece of thread together. He puts the needle away. He grabs a white roll after that.

He wraps bandages around Black Hat's stomach and lower back, around the other male's body, covering the wound.

It slowly stopped bleeding. Black Hat wasn't losing blood anymore.

After everything, Flug puts the kit away, closing the drawer. He stands up.

Flug notices that Black Hat is still asleep, deeply unconscious. So, he decided to let him rest.

He got into the bathroom and takes off his boxers. He gets in the shower, turning it on.

Flug lets the warm water fall down his skin. He washed the blood off his hands and body.

That crimson red goes down the drain with the clear water.


After awhile, Flug gets out of that warm shower. He turned the water off and dries himself with a towel. He puts his boxers back on.

He walked into the room again. He had left his paperbag and goggles off on the nightstand, so when he was in there, he felt the cold air on his scarred face.

Flug looked at Black Hat who's still not awake.

He sat down on that bed, next to Black Hat and waited for him to wake up.

Flug gets deep in his thoughts, in that silence.


Two hours later -

Black Hat wakes up, slowly opening those red eyes. He noticed that it's night and he is on Flug's bed.

Flug snapped out of these thoughts, when he notices that Black Hat had opened those eyes that he loves. He teared up and wrapped his arms around Black Hat.

Black Hat hissed in slight pain.

“S-Sorry.” Flug said, in a quiet voice.

Black Hat just smiled at him. “It's alright. I'II be okay.”

Flug had a sad smile again. He stays close to his lover.

Black Hat also holds him.

'It's okay. Everything will be. He's alright.’ Flug thought, to himself.

Although, Flug was still afraid that he'll lose him. He wants to stay with Black Hat, be always there.

Flug was still crying.

Black Hat wiped away these tears, gently.

Flug cried a bit. He stared into Black Hat's eyes. He also kisses down this other male's body, mostly where his lover's wound is.

Black Hat loved the affection, but he also noticed that Flug was worried. “I'm fine. I'm here. I won't leave you. I promise.”

Flug smiles at that, sadly yet also warmly.

He leans in and kissed Black Hat's lips, lovingly.

Black Hat hummed into that kiss. He opened his eyes, slowly.


Both of them are next to each other.

They get closer and cuddled again now, staying there. They snuggled in their warmth, the rest of that night, slowly falling asleep together. 

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