Chapter 17 - I Love You ♡

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Black Hat hugs him from behind.

He grabs Flug's wrist now, in a gentle way. He started pulling him upstairs now, so they could get to know each other's bodies again.


A few minutes later -

They were in Black Hat's room, on the bed again. They are both bare skinned now.

Flug was glad that Black Hat was 'normal' again. Although, he was gonna miss the soft, black hair that his lover had when Black Hat was human. Although, he didn't mind, not really anyway. 

That demon still had the stitched wound on his stomach, strangely. 

Flug just had a smile at that. He touched it, gently. 

Black Hat was touching and kissing down Flug's body. In a loving and affectionate way. He had remembered how Flug did these things to him.

He had a smile at the hums and noises that he gets out of the scientist.

Flug liked Black Hat being nice. He also loved the affection he was getting from him.

Black Hat was blushing again. He stares at Flug.

Flug has another smile to that.


Black Hat held onto Flug's thighs, this human's skin was so soft. He loved it.

Flug hummed softly.

Black Hat kisses Flug's neck, leaving a slight dark mark. He loves Flug's warmth and scent.

They were both breathless.

That eldritch demon leaned down, into the human scientist's lips. He kissed him again.

They both made a soft hum in that kiss.


Eventually, they were relaxing and resting for a minute.

They had just made passionate love again. They both had a slightly sleepy, yet loving smile.


After awhile, they had rested and calmed down. They put their boxers on, but they kept the rest of their clothes off.

They had sat up in that bed.

Flug looked at him, with a smile.

They kept staring at each other, for awhile.

Until Flug breaks this silence.

Flug gets closer to him, putting his hand in Black Hat's. Their fingers entangled and locked together. This scientist and that demon keep looking into each other's eyes, lovingly, with such a nice and calm silence between them.

Black Hat still loved Flug's warmth. His body being cold again now. He could almost feel his dead heart beating, at Flug's closeness.

Flug leaned in and kissed Black Hat again, on the lips. He rested his other hand on Black Hat's neck, gently again, as he deepened this kiss. He kept his stare on him, in a loving way.

Black Hat hummed softly. He blushed deeply. He loves it. He loved Flug even more.

These thoughts and everything, made it hard to control himself.

Then, it happened. He purred at that.

They pull apart from that kiss.

Flug had heard it. Black Hat was purring? He also noticed and saw that the demon has a darkened blush.

That human scientist couldn't help it, he was liking this side of Black Hat.

“I love you.” he whispered to the demon. 

Black Hat had a slight smile. “..I love you too.” 

Flug smiled again, and then, he was kissing him, for the second time that night.

Black Hat didn't mind, he actually liked it again.

After that, they lay down with each other.

They cuddled now, and eventually, they closed their eyes, falling asleep, peacefully again. 

Also, again btw, this chapter is more detailed in the same Fanfiction on my AO3 account, 'LoveFandoms828'. Just so you know, if you wanna check it out there ❤️

I thought that this Fanfiction was only gonna have like seven chapters xDD But, after I got some inspiration, I wrote more than that, 17 chapters :)

I hope all of you guys loved my Paperhat Fanfiction 💜🎩 Thanks for reading

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