Chapter 9 - Intimate Night ♡

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Warning - Slight Smut in this chapter ;) xD 💕


After that, Black Hat walked into his room again, and closed the door.

He waited for night now.


Meanwhile, Black Hat was on his bed. He saw that it was darker out there. It's night now.

He had a slight grin, as he gets up and walks out again.


Black Hat had walked to Flug's room. He knocked on the door.

He heard movement on the other side. Then, the door had been opened.

Black Hat saw Flug standing there, he gave a smile to him.

Flug lets him in.

Black Hat walks into the room. He heard the door as it closed behind him.

“So, are we gonna have 'sex’ now?” he asked

There was a quietness in that room, for a second.

Flug grabs Black Hat's wrist.

Black Hat notices it as Flug turned them and he drags him to the bed. Black Hat let him.

Flug pushed Black Hat down on that bed, on his back.

Black Hat stares up at his scientist, as Flug gets on top of him.

Flug takes off his own clothing, then he stripped Black Hat. He threw all of the clothes on the ground.

They were both naked now.

Flug stared at Black Hat's body. It was so perfect. Black Hat's skin is nice and slightly soft to the touch, as he dragged his hand down his boss’ body.

Black Hat hummed softly at that.

Flug admired the male under him, staring at Black Hat. His boss was very handsome before. Now he's even more attractive and so good looking.

Black Hat pants a little bit. He slightly blushed at Flug's stare on him.

Flug leaned in. He kisses Black Hat's neck and collarbone, leaving slight dark marks on the skin there.

Black Hat blushes again. He made a slight, low noise at that.

Flug touched him, kissing down Black Hat's chest and stomach. He also was touching Black Hat's thigh (mostly the inner part) now, with a gentle caress.

Black Hat lets out some hums.

Flug reached over, touching Black Hat's nipples. He circled them with a finger on each.

Black Hat was arching under him, against Flug's touch. He made another noise.

After that, he quickly covered his mouth with his own hand. He was blushing madly, in slight embarrassment.

‘What the hell-!? I'm not that sensitive! I can't be.. Can I..?’ he thought, to himself.

Flug had a smile, he thought that Black Hat was being very adorable.

It was a strange sensation to Black Hat, as Flug rubbed him somewhere else.


Flug takes off his paperbag, in a slow movement. He finally shows his boss what he really looks like.

Black Hat was staring at him, in a loving way. He touched Flug's hair, gently.

Flug usually didn't show what he looks like, to anyone. But, he loves Black Hat, so why not.

His appearance was that of messy, dark brown hair with unique eyes (one of them is blue and the other eye is hazel). He also had two scars, one over his right eye (also across the middle of his nose) and the other was on the right side, over his lower lip.

He was leaning down again. He kissed Black Hat's lips, affectionately. This was his way to comfort Black Hat through it.

Black Hat stared into Flug's eyes, silently.

He hummed against Flug's lips.

Flug puts his hand in Black Hat's.

They entangled their fingers together, holding each other's hands.

Both of them pull apart from that kiss, after another minute. They both panted, their breaths mixing.

Black Hat had relaxed now. He wrapped his arms around Flug's shoulders, pulling him close.

Flug didn't mind, loving the closeness of the other male.

They were hearing each other's breathing and heartbeats.


After everything, Flug lays down again, next to Black Hat.

They stayed there, resting for a bit. Both of them had calmed down.

They got closer, cuddling now.

Both guys loved the silence between them, like they knew each other's thoughts. They rested again, being quiet and taking each other's scent in. They enjoyed the warmth from their bodies.

They eventually fall asleep together, peacefully.


I hope you all loved reading it :) 🎩 & Please tell me your thoughts on the chapter, if you would like to 💜

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