Chapter 7 - Together Now, Research, and Let's Do That

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Black Hat was blushing a bit, as he panted.

Flug almost melted at the sight. Although, he just smiled now, thinking that it's adorable. He held him again, after that.


Three days later -

Everything was quiet again, in that mansion.

Black Hat is in his room now, while Dr. Flug is in the lab. These guys were thinking about each other, when separated.

They have been business partners for a few years. Now they are together, slightly 'dating’.

It was a little bit strange. But, it's also nice, because they felt love for each other.


Black Hat had the door closed, as always.

He was sitting at the desk, his back leaning against the chair (that he had sat down in).

There's many books on that desk, instead of paperwork. Even his laptop (that Flug gave to him last year, although he rarely used it until now) was also on there.

Black Hat had been reading about humans and looking at the internet for information on them, certain things caught his interest for awhile.

Then, he leaned back, getting deep in his mind, lost in a thought.

Something that he's been thinking about for hours now.

Black Hat gets up and walked out.

He is still in his thoughts. He was thinking about why humans love ‘sex’ so much. What is it? He probably should've researched more. The only thing that came up was the term 'sexual intercourse’. Which he doesn't know what that means ethier. All of this, made him reasonably confused.

Maybe Dr. Flug knows. Black Hat decided to ask him.

Black Hat snapped out of these thoughts. He goes into the lab.

Flug looked up at his boss now, after he had noticed him. “S-sir, Black Hat..”

“Flug, I need to ask a question. Would you mind answering it honestly.” Black Hat said to his scientist. He also walks over to him.

“O-Of course.”

“That's good. What I needed to ask is.. what is sex exactly?” Black Hat asked him, seriously. That tone in his voice means that he meant it.

Flug had a slight blush. “Oh.. well, sex is something you do with your lover. A way of bonding, getting to know each other's bodies, being one with them.”

Black Hat grinned lovingly, liking it. “..we're lovers, right? Let's do that. We should have sex right now.”

“N-now!?” Flug said

Black Hat slightly stares at him. “Yeah, why not?”

Flug tried not to shiver, hearing that. He kept blushing. Although, he stays calm, a little bit anyway.

“Ok, fine. B-But, n-not right now. Meet me in my room, t-tonight.” he said to him.

Black Hat looked at Flug. “Really?” He had hope in his voice. Being very eager to know what this is like with a lover.

Flug nods his head, slowly.

Black Hat smiled a bit again. He leaned in, kissing Flug's lips (after he had moved the paperbag slightly up) for a few seconds.

Then, he pulled away, also having a blush now.

Flug saw Black Hat leave, after the kiss that he gave him. The scientist has another smile, under his paperbag.

After that, Black Hat walked into his room again, and closed the door. He waited for night now.

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