Chapter 5 - Acting Strange, Inner Thoughts, & What is This Feeling?

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Two days later -

These last few days have been quiet.

Flug was still trying to finish the device to turn his boss back to the way he was before. It was a bit harder than he thought, but he kept his focus on it. He wants to keep working on this.

He worked quietly. He wasn't anxious, mostly because Black Hat was not around right now.

Everything was silent in the lab.

Flug had noticed something lately (during the last two days), that Black Hat was acting weird. He hasn't come in there at all, like he's keeping his distance.

Black Hat had stayed away from the scientist. He didn't talk or even look at Flug, it's been like this for awhile now.

Flug started to get worried. Also, he didn't know what he did. He wanted to know what's wrong. He'll probably talk to Black Hat later.

He stopped thinking and gets back to work with this device.


Meanwhile, Black Hat is in his room. He had sat on the bed.

He lays down, on his back now. He felt the comfortable, silk blankets under him. He loved it, this helped him to relax, a little bit.

Lately, he's been stressed. Being human now, he is trying to get control of it and take care of himself, like Flug told him to.

Also, he had emotions now. He tried to understand them. He didn't have emotions before, now he does. He was a cold, heartless demon. Now he's not.

Black Hat stared at the ceiling, being deep in his thoughts.

These emotions weren't the only thing that he struggled with.

It's Flug..

For some strange reason, Black Hat's mind was filled with thinking about that scientist. He didn't know why he was having these thoughts of him.

That's another reason why Black Hat stayed in his room, staying away from Flug. Because of those thoughts and his heart would beat faster when he is near Flug, he also started to blush around him.

But, why?

Does he have feelings for his scientist? What is this feeling? Is it love..?

That can't be. Can it? If so, could he deal with this?

In Black Hat's eyes was a troubled look, as he held his chest with a hand gripping his shirt.

This emotion of love was foreign to Black Hat. Although, it happened to him now. He felt it.

Black Hat took a breath, then he had a slight smile. He closed his eyes, resting a bit again.


I think that the song 'Idfc by Blackbear’ fits Black Hat's and Dr. Flug's relationship very well. I love that song, it's one of my favorites 💙

Do you guys think that song fits them too?

If you haven't heard this song yet, then you should. It's really good :)

Also, I hope you all loved this chapter 💕🎩

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