Chapter 16 - Turning Back, I Still Feel This Way, and A Romantic Dinner

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Flug smiles again. He reaches and grabs Black Hat's chin, in a gentle way. He leans in, kissing him.

Black Hat blushed again. Although, he also kissed him back. He smiled in Flug's lips.

After that, they are cuddling again now. Being loving to each other, warm and affectionate.


That next morning, 7:22am -

Flug wakes up. He saw that Black Hat is still sleeping.

He smiled, letting the other male sleep. He gets up, off the bed, silently.

Black Hat stayed asleep, snuggling the pillow in his arms again, with the blanket still wrapped around him.

Flug kept his smile as he puts his paperbag, goggles, and white lab coat on.

He leaves that room after that, closing the door behind himself, quietly.


Two hours later, 9:27am -

Flug was still in the lab. He looked down at the device, after that final screw was in and it was adjusted.

It was finally finished, it good condition.

Flug sighed in relief, that this device was done.

Black Hat could be turned back to his 'normal' self now.

Although, Flug did have his fears, but he kept these thoughts to himself.


Meanwhile, Black Hat opens his eyes. He had slept well. He notices that Flug is not in the bed with him.

Black Hat would've panicked, if he didn't remember that the scientist was in his lab, like usual.

He got out of that bed and walked out. Then, he made his way to the other room. Which was his room.

Black Hat puts on the clothes that he usually wears. Then, he walks over to the lab.

He looked at Flug and noticed that he had the device in his hands. It looked to be finished.


Flug turns around. He saw Black Hat there.

"S-sir, it's done."

Black Hat stares at him. "Good, well, let's do this."

Flug nods his head. He turned on the device and shoots it at his boss.

Black Hat was surrounded by black smoke again. After it had faded away, he looked in a mirror. He was an eldritch demon again. He had been turned back. He grinned his usual smile, his sharp green teeth showing.

Flug stared at him. He was happy for his boss. But..

Does that mean he won't remember all the things they've been through? Was all the sex and love just a one time thing? Now that Black Hat is his old self again...

These thoughts made Flug feel sadness now.

Black Hat was staring at Flug. He noticed the sad look in the human's eyes.

He walked over to him.

Instead of acting like he usually did, Black Hat does something else.

Black Hat pulled Flug into a hug, holding him close. He stared down at him with his eyes full of affection and love for his scientist.

He held him closer, gently. After that, he kissed him on the lips.

Flug was shocked, but also happy. He kisses the demon's lips a bit more, he deepened it.

Black Hat smiled against Flug's lips. He still loves him.


That night -

Black Hat and Dr. Flug were alone, at the dining room table. While Dementia and 5.0.5 are out in the city.

These two were having a romantic dinner together. There's nicely scented candles with a red cloth under them, on that table. It wasn't their normal long table, but a shorter one. So that they could hold hands and give kisses. There is moonlight that could be seen through the opened curtains. It was beautiful this night.

They were smiling at each other, during dinner, as both of them ate some spaghetti with parmesan cheese. They also had a glass or two of red wine.

Flug had took off his paperbag and goggles, since they're the only beings there in that mansion.

After dinner, Flug washes the dishes in the sink for them.

Black Hat hugs him from behind. He noticed that Flug was done washing.

He grabs Flug's wrist now, in a gentle way. He started pulling him upstairs now, so they could get to know each other's bodies again.

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