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(AN: so it's nearing the 2nd year of August & Lyshell because February doesn't come around twice in one year. The reason I have skipped holidays is because to them holidays are exaggerated. When baby August comes they will pay more attention to things like that for their son, but that's why there wasn't a Thanksgiving, a Christmas, or a celebration for birthdays. Lyshell's birthday is in May & August's is in September. They are both 23 as of right now.)

Lyshell Pov

I leaned further back onto Rai and laid my head on her chest. I was finally about to get some more rest, but here go August and his big ass mouth.

"Laid on Rai like she me or something." August drunk ass stated.

"Go to sleep Aug," Rai said pushing him out my face.

"I'm going. Keep my baby safe seriously!" He yelled going up the stairs.

"Hey Rai, I want mason jars at the baby shower. I want the colors to be blue and silver." I told her. "And for food um Caribbean food."

"I wrote it down." She yawned.

"Oh and August and I are going on 2 years."

"2? I told Tammy 1." Rai replied looking down at me.

"Why does it matter what you told T?" I questioned. "Because Tammy is the least of my worries."

When I woke up I was laying on one chair while Rai was laying on the other. Since she's been back from Dominican Republic we have been inseparable. I had invited her to stay with me for a couple weeks, since I was no longer in New Orleans.

"Here baby," August said handing me a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast with jelly. "Here acorn."

"Aye, thank you baby. Even when your hungover you still cater to me." I smiled.

"This is what I luh ta do." He smirked sitting some orange juice in front of me. "What you doin today?"

"Planning the baby shower, you gonna stay home?"

"Duh, I need to watch some Netflix and I need some rest, being known is tiring." Aug said sitting next to me, I swear he feelin himself.

So far the baby shower consisted of:

• Date: August 27

• Theme: Blue & silver

• Food: Caribbean

• Music: a DJ, probably DJ Era

"So who yal want on the invite list?" Rai asked tapping her pen again the notepad.

"Uh, Ty, gotti, jeezy, Chris, and Trey." August started.

"Nic, Chyna, Kae, and one lucky fan. Then the fam, Cha, Mamas, list goes on." I sighed.

I rubbed my stomach and looked around. I live in a nice ass condo with some nice ass people, to think my ass wanted more at one point.

August Pov

Lately I've been catering to Lyshell so she won't chew my head so much for being out with the boys a lot, but if she knew what I was planning she wouldnt be tripping. I told the guys how much I love Lyshell and that I plan on proposing to her at the baby shower. Along with that I was working on a map for our personalized mansion down in Atlanta and you know your boy had that shit made. I know she works out here, but she can work from the built in studio. I made everything to match her dream house, and even got to add things of my own.

I know for a fact Lyshell is going to be mad at me for keeping the house a secret for so long, but I kept it from everything. I haven't even thought about it too much. We wont be leaving after the baby shower, since she wont be able to fly so I rented an apartment for 4 months after the baby shower.

"Baby can you find something already?" Lyshell whined while I looked through Netflix. 

We went up stairs while Rai went out to the mall. She had been staying with us to gossip and help out with Lyshell, since I was very busy in the studio and talking shit out with the guys.

"You want sum scary or are you gonna let me find something on my own?" I laughed lowly.

"Just hurry up." She whined some more.

I decided on Jumanji and pressed play. I can't help my love for children movies. 


I know, what a way to end a chapter, but my summer has came to an end as of Thursday, August 28, 2014. I have a lot of work to do even though I just went back and it's hard trying to focus on wattpad and school. So as long as you guys can be patient and work with me, then writing will be a breeze.

Anyways I gave a lil sum sum. August has sht planned for Liya, while she might have a trick or two up her sleeve. I don't really like this chapter, but I cant think of anything else to write. 

Btw, Rest Easy Melvin! Today makes 4 years since 6 bullets took you to heaven. I know your proud of August, and his changes to his life and your family's lives. I just ask that you watch over him today, don't let him get too upset... #4Mel #RIPmellyB

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