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chapter one
third person

"daddy! look over der!" yelled an overly hyper bunny, running towards a pile of stacked up boxes that had a tail sticking out?

floppy, black ears swayed back as he tried to increase his pace, getting closer to the pile, "look! tail, like bun," the bunny hybrid quickly turned around to show his daddy his fluffy tail that was placed right at the top of his tail bone to exaggerate.

"yes baby, but it's late we have to get home before it starts raining," yoongi sighed. dealing with a hyper hybrid was exhausting, he was ready to go home and cuddle with his favourite bun.

just as yoongi was approaching jeongguk slowly only for the bunny to quickly reached down and tugged on the tail hard.

a loud shriek was heard followed by the stack of boxes rattling soon falling down.

"daddy!" jeongguk cried, laying on the floor as he had fallen from shock causing him to also get hit by various types of boxes; some heavy, some light.

"bun! why did you do that, now your hurt," as yoongi rushed overlooking for any sort of injury, softly cradling the younger in his embrace as his cries subsided.

soon his cries turned into soft sniffles as he raised his head from the crook of yoongis neck looking behind straight over his shoulder.


"what was that bun?"

"kitty," the said boy raised his hand, index finger out straight, pointing ahead. "kitty."

yoongi slowly turned around to find that there was in-fact a kitty sat on the ground with a box, that looks quite heavy, place right on the middle to the end tip of its tail and right leg; trapped.

"oh, you poor thing. here let me help you." after making sure jeongguk was not seriously injured he quickly rushed to the kitten but suddenly stopped. "hey there, i'm not gonna hurt you."

seeing the kitten so frightened, and still stuck, made something tug at his heartstrings. seeing the kitten struggle become more frantic as yoongi was approaching him was quite pitiful, "okay, my name is yoongi—"

"and i'm jeonggukie, but daddy calls me bun beca—" yoongi quickly turned around before the younger could keep rambling.

"okay bun, that's enough," he slowly started to approach the other, or more the box. "okay. i'm going to help you, i'll take the box off of you, okay?"

looking at the kitten for some sort of answer, he seen him slowly nod. quickly but softly yoongi reach for the box attempting to lift it. keyword; attempting.

after many tries, only succeeding in lifting it about 3 inches of the ground then dropping it (which cause the kitten to let out choked sobs from the pain.), he finally came to a solution.

"bun, i'm gonna need your help," looking back to see the noirette who was distracted by a ladybug passing by. the said boy looked up, tears now dried on his face, looking at yoongi in curiosity.

"yes daddy?"

"bun, daddy here needs your help, okay babe? daddy needs you to use your big boy muscles to help release the kitty."

jeongguks eyes seemed to light up, he loved helping his daddy. "okay!"

quickly rushing over, and almost tripping in excitement, he was now opposite yoongi with the box in front of him.

"okay, pick it up on three. one. two. three." jeongguk seemed to easily lift up his side, of course, finally releasing the poor kitty.

as soon as the blonde started to retreat their leg and tail, they also seemed to rapidly stand on their feet and run.

jeongguk, who was first to notice the cat hybrid running, suddenly dropped the box making it fall with yoongis hands right underneath.

"daddy! the kitty's running away!"


"why do i always have to be so kind, it never helps me in the fucking end—"

"daddy said a no-no word!" the bunny gasped, pointing an accusing finger at the older.

the duo were now home situated in the bathroom, with jeongguk sitting on the counter and yoongi in front of the sink, washing off the mixture of dry and drying blood on his knuckles.

"i'm sorry bun, daddy is just very angry."

"is it 'cause ggukie hurt daddy?" yoongi quickly looked at the other seeing tears gathering above his lower lash line, threatening to fall at any moment.

"no baby, daddy's just angry that the kitty got away before we could've helped them," that was partially the truth. "i'd you a hug but i don't want any blood on my pretty baby."

another loud gasp was emitted from the younger as he quickly hopped off the counter and started to shake yoongi hurriedly.

"oh! daddy! daddy! do you need a bandaid! ggukie wan' give daddy bandaid for his owie parts!" jeongguk said, now look at his daddy with his big bambi eyes that were clouded with worry.

"okay bun, go get daddy a bandaid then we'll get you ready for bed." as soon as yoongi finished his mini statement the bunny ran out of the bathroom, into their bedroom and quickly got on his knees.

looking underneath for his hello kitty first aid box that was filled with random bandages, a fake stethoscope and a lot of bandaid all with different images.

the hybrid now sat on his bottom, legs wide open and the bandaids scattered in between, picking what bandaids he'll give his daddy.

"bun! are you okay?" the voice was heard slightly taking jeongguk out of his trance, fascinated by all the pretty pictures.

"yes daddy! jus' pickin' the prettiest ones!" soon a small 'okay' was heard letting jeongguk focus back on his mission.

after a few minutes, a small 'aha!' was emitted from the boy as he had finally picked out ten of the prettiest bandaids, 'for each knuckle so none feel left out' he reasoned.

quickly rushing back to the bathroom, ignoring the weird feeling that lingered on his tush, standing in front of the elder with his hands out showing the bandaids to yoongi. the elder not missing the big bunny smile the younger was giving knowing he was waiting for some sort of praise for helping out.

"you did such a great gob baby, they're all so prettier!"

"but 'm prettier, right daddy?"

"the prettiest."

authors note-

this is over 1k words and i've never been more proud of my self *wipes tears*

It's also 3:30am because I forget to go to sleep so night night~

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