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chapter nineteen
third person

min threw jeongguk onto the couch without a second though, realising just how hungry he actually was. this caused the sleeping bunny to wake up, eyes widened and hair messy from the sudden force.

"dinners ready," said the kitten, walking off without spearing a glance at the shook bunny.

but the mention of food has him hopping towards the kitchen in an instant, completely forgetting the fact min threw him. "daddy! daddy! chicken nuggets!" the small boy yelled, startled both males who were in the kitchen.

"don't worry bun, daddy already made you chicken nuggets." he resumed to laying out everyone's dish — a plate of chicken nuggets and chips since he didn't feel like cooking.

"erm, i need my nutrients as a whole sixteen year old, growing, boy." the kitten said, glaring at yoongi who was silently eating his food.

"cook for yourself then, brat" he still didn't look at min, instead focusing on the little bunny hybrid to not make a huge mess of ketchup on himself.

"maybe i will," he let out a small 'hmph' crossing his arms while looking to his right.

the couple continued eating in silence, just yoongi feeding jeongguk, and jeongguk eating messily. until he realised the the kitten hadn't eaten anything on his plate, "can bun have you chicken nuggets?"

the kitten looked straight into the bunny's eyes, "please?"

just as he was about to get up and throw away his food to spite yoongi, the way the younger looked was too cute. he found himself absentmindedly pushing his plate towards the bunny, then getting up and rushing into his bedroom.

around half an hour later, the kitten could hear yoongi and jeongguk move into the living room, a cartoon being played on the tv with the bunny's occasional squeals.

min took his chance. slowly creeping into the kitchen, and silently closing the door.

thank fuck the walls aren't thin.

he found himself in front of the fridge, rummaging threw it to find something to eat. after looking threw the cabinets, he finally found something worth eating, "pancakes!" he whispered.

as he was reading the instruction list, his confusion grew, "fuck it." he threw the box and grabbed a big metal bowl and an electric mixer.

he began to throw in different thing, eggs, flour, sugar, milk, butter, strawberries, nuts, even dunked most of the jar of nutella. now, the mixer, "how do you even use this thing?" he then started to press all the buttons, until the whips began to turn, "ohhh, i got it."

lowering the spinning whisk into the bowl was a big mistake, flour started to fall everywhere from the top of the small bowl. the counter, floor and his hair covered in a layer of white dust, yet he didn't pay no mind.

carrying on with the mixing until he got a pinkish batter (thanks to the strawberries) then crouched in front of the cabinet in search of a pan.

once he found one, he set it on the stove. turning on the biggest hob to its highest and putting a chunk of butter like he seen on tv. once all the butter melted, he spilt the whole batter into the pan.

the whole thing.

he tried to recall what he learnt from the cooking show he watched with jeongguk, but all he could remember was himself drooling over how good the pancake looked.

attempting to flip the huge pancake, the batter atop spilt past the edges of the pan, landing all over the oven but he still continued.

finally, he put the pancake onto a huge plate putting the left over nutella on top and also the few strawberries left, "ta-da!" he did jazz hands to himself.

the supposed pancake lay half scrambled, half undercooked and pink with a huge dollop of nutella and strawberries — still with the stems — on top.

taking his first bite, he taste buds were invaded with a sweet, sugary tast — and he loved it. giving himself a chefs kiss, he continued to eat the enormous pancake.

a few minutes later, jeongguk found himself thirsty. turning around to yoongi who was on his phone and tapping his thigh, "daddy, bun thirsty."

the blonde sent a small nod, pulling himself and the bunny up and walked to the kitchen. as he stood in front of the closed door, a slight stench of something burning and strawberries.

taking multiple deep breath, praying for his kitchen to be okay, and swung the door open. there was min, back facing the couple, still eating the other half of the pancake, surrounded in smoke.

turns out, min had forgotten to turn off the stove, the pan a burnt black with a hardening goo of strawberries on top but min wasn't fazed. too indulged in his pancakes.

yoongi closed his eyes, placing his index finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose in attempt to not lash out on the kitten hybrid.

yoongi almost lost it when the fire alarm went off, causing both hybrids to jump out of fright from the sound. min turned to see both males behind him, sending a cheeky smile, "you said i could cook."

"i swear to god, if you don't clean this up your getting punished."

"i dare you to touch me."

the two had a silent staring contest until jeongguk viciously shook his boyfriends arm in hope to gain his attention, "too loud! make it stop!"

the bunny was on the brink of tears, his ears had always been extra sensitive due to how large they were. grabbing the broom stick, he walked over to the fire alarm in the hallway, repeated pressing the button with the tip to stop it.

meanwhile, jeongguk was watching min eat his pancakes wanting some, "can-can bun have pink pancake too?"


"please," the bunny widened his eyes, and yet again min found himself falling into his trap.

"ugh, sure," he groaned as the happy bunny once again sat on his lap and began to munch on the pancake with his hands, "fucking enjoy i guess."

authors note-

i wasn't gonna update in ramadan but since it's my birthday i though i should give you guys a gift(:

also, please get out my new book called HYUNG, its ot7 but a jeongguk centric!

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