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chapter seven
third person

after hoseok sent yoongi his location, the said male had dashed out of the kitchen. grabbing his coat with his car keys, he left. driving off without even waiting for any of the guys to come along.

the heavy snow made yoongis mission to reach his destination even slower.

he continued to drive until he came upon traffic, fucking great.

seeing as the traffic wasn't moving, he hurriedly left. parking his car, he ran out, not without making sure it's locked, and started running to hoseok and jimin.

after a few minutes of running — and almost slipping to his death on multiple occasions — he had finally arrived at the location.

except this time, it was behind an abandoned clothing shop, seeing a crouched red-head and a dirty blonde,  faint cries that exposed in the secluded area.

rushing over, he could finally see jimin properly. "thank god we've found you," a sigh of relief escaped left his lips.

crouching down, and hugging the other that was still clad in the dinosaur onesie, even though he was covered in dirt.

"w-why did you l-look for m-minie,
m-m-minie has o-owner." sobs were escaping the kitten lips. jimin truly wanted to stay with yoongi and jeongguk but he couldn't.

yet, jimin still hugged yoongi back, feeling his body heat radiate onto his shivering body, almost wanting to make him fall asleep in the mans arms.

"darling, if you did have an owner then how come your out here?"

"t-they said they were g-gonna' c-come back for m-minie."

neither yoongi or jimin noticed the snow falling again — but hoseok certainly did. "uhh, guys? not to ruin your sentimental moment but, we really need to go."

yoongi finally realised the snow, and how cold he felt straight after, "hey bubba, you wanna come back? bun really misses you."

a small nod was sent his way, just as he was about to get up, jimins grip tightened, "p-please dun' leave minie."

"i won't, don't worry bubs. do you want me to carry you?" jimin send another nod, to tired function properly.

with some struggle standing up after being crouched for so long, with jimin practically hanging off the older. legs wrapped securely around his waist and arms wrapped lazily over his neck.

"min, y-you're choking me!" yoongi whispered loudly. seeing as the hybrid made no effort into loosening his grip, yoongi bent down, then bounced him up so he didn't fall.

noticing how he was quiet and his breathing was calm, yoongi looked at the other seeing he was asleep.

sighing, yoongi followed hoseok to his car, "let's go home."

placing jimin in the backseat and covering him in a blanket hoseok had conveniently had in his car.

sitting at the front, he was faced with a confused hoseok, "where's your car?"

"there was too much traffic, so I parked it and ran to here. i'll get it in the morning."

"the min yoongi running? the only person you'd run for is jeongguk and kumamon." yoongi only shook his head at his obnoxious friend, "damn, he already has you wrapped around his wittle finger."

exaggerating by point his index finger up, and going cross-eyed looking at it, "will you shut the fuck up and drive? i need to get jimin warm quick, you bastard."

followed by a sarcastic 'sorry' hoseok had finally started driving home.


as soon as the pair arrived at yoongi house, they were quickly bombarded by the rest of the guys.

"where the fuck did you go min yoongi! i had to come up with an explanation to a crying jeongguk on why his daddy ran out because he thought you ran away!" the tiger hybrid was almost roaring at the older.

closely behind, jin started to rub the tigers ears as loud purrs were emitted. taehyungs body shivered as his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head, indicting his pleasure, "calm down babe, it was probably important."

remembering what he had said, he quickly went to they all leading to the living room living, passing sleeping jimin to hoseok, "take him to my room and tuck him in please, i just need to speak to jeongguk."

hoseok just simply grabbed the hybrid, taking him upstairs and following yoongis exact order, also adding another two fluffy duvets on top.

yoongi soon entered the living room to see a tear stained jeongguk huddled up in his jumper while anastasia played on the tv.

"hey bun," registering that his daddy was finally home, jeongguk jamp up and tackled yoongi, "woah there little one."

"b-bun thought daddy left him!"

dramatically gasping, yoongi looked back at the bunny in utter shock and fake surprise, " i would never do such a thing!" it was yoongis turn to tackle jeonnguk, except instead he kissed all over the bunny's faces, enjoying the giggles that escaped him.

"i have really good news though love," jeongguk looked at yoongi with big eyes, waiting for him to continue. "we found bubba."

gasping, the bunny shot up off the blondes lap, "where daddy! where's bubba! bun wan' see bubba!"

the younger was looking left to right, hoping for jimin to just walk in, "baby, kitty is upstairs asleep. he's very tired so we should leave him alone."

"b-but, bun wan' see bubba."

the sad tone was evident in the way he spoke, shoulders sagging forward to physically show how upset he was.

"okay, you can go up but you're not allowed to wake him up or be loud. remember bubba is very tired and if you wake him up he might cry!"

the bunny gasped again, "promise daddy! promise! bun not gonna make bubba cry!"

with a small nod, the bunny dashed to the stairs, as he wrapped his floppy ears around his forehead and mouth, "bun ninja! you won't hear bun because bun is a very quiet ninja."

laughing at the younger antics, he sent another nod with two thumbs up, "go, my ninja."


after twelve hours of sleep, jimin finally woke up to see a bunny peering over him.

"you like my daddy, don't you?"

authors note-

cliff hanger oof

also, anastasia is my all-time favourite movie!!

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also, anastasia is my all-time favourite movie!!

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