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chapter six
third person

"no! he just fucking ran out in the snow!" the distress in yoongis voice was prominent as he spoke on the phone with hoseok.

"yes I tried to fucking chase him, but my dumbass fell!" pacing around the room, yoongi soon noticed it was snowing, again.

meaning, the snow will only get thicker, and thicker. "fuck! he's gonna freeze to death, fuck!"

jeongguk was absentmindedly staring at the other, holding himself back from slipping and pointing out his daddy said many no-no words a lot of times.

realizing the seriousness of the situation, tears started to brim his eyes, "d-daddy, we w-w-won't let kitty d-die, will w-we?"

yoongi rushed to the bunny, putting his phone on speaker as he starts to cradle the younger, letting out soft 'shh' and 'it's okay's.

"i-i dun' wan' k-kitty to d-d-die," big tears were now streaming down his face, seeming endless.

"we won't let that happen bun." slowly nodding his head, they both remember about hoseok on the phone.

"how about...we search for him? i'll call the guys to help."

the bunny gasped, crawling out of the elders hold and clutching the device, "really seokie! you gon' help find kitty?!"

a small, airy laugh came through the phone, "of course darling! so yoongi?"

"okay, tell the guys to come over in thirty."


the living room was now filled with all six boys, ready to go on 'mission save bubba!' as jeongguk likes to call it.

"so...what's the plan?"

"wait! stop! halt!" jeongguk stood up, alertedly putting his hands out palms facing them, "we need walkie talkies!"

"we have phones gguk," kim taehyung, a tiger hybrid, said with a small roll of his eyes.

"b-but walkie talkies are better! right daddy? right?!" his voices went higher in pitch, as he shook yoongis shirt, waiting for an answer.

"yes love, we will be using walkie talkies," shooting a glare at taehyung who simply shrugged.

"i don't mind."

hearing the response, the bunny jolted up and ran into his room, rummaging through his closet to finally find all the walkie talkies he owned in an average-sized box. the bunny had many walkie talkies, at least 12 or more, some decorated; some not.

picking his favourite six, he ran back into the living room, handing each person a walkie talkie. "why the fuck is mine pink, shit! there fucking glitter everywhere! what the fuck!"

gasping, jeongguk turned towards a horrified taehyung who kept cursing as glitter started to get everywhere.

looking at his daddy, he mouthed, 'tata said no-no word!' adding a little whisper to exaggerate. nodding, yoongi also turned to taehyung.

"stop swearing in front of ggukie, and stop being dramatic." taehyung gasped, dramatically placing his hand to his heart feigning a look of hurt.

snapping out of his posture, he plopped back on the couch, groaning cut off by namjoon, "do you even have a picture we could use?"

"yes!" pulling out his phone, he quickly tapped the camera roll app and started the video of jeongguk and jimin bathing together.

"o-oh my god, my heart," hoseok said, fanning his face, "how could you have let him get away, he's so cute!"

"i never let him! he just ran away!" huffing he leaned back on the couch, as jeongguk peppered kisses all over his face.

"daddy's okay! we find kitty and help! let's go daddy! let's go!" dragging the 'o', he tugged at yoongis arm, attempting to pull him up.

when he succeeded, he ran to the shoe rack, putting his boots on to protect him from the snow which now reached above his ankles.

squealing when they were all ready to leave, "let's go save kitty!"


the boys have been searching for the kitten for about 3 hours. the sun had started to set as days fell to night quicker in winter.

suddenly, seokjins voice came through the walkie talkie, "it's getting dark guys, soon it'll be pitch black and it should be snowing again soon."

a sad sigh came from yoongi, turning towards the bunny. taking the hint, the hybrid shook his head slowly, tears building up in his eyes. "d-daddy, w-we can't go w-without kitty!"

"bun, why don't we look another time? it is getting very late." fat tears started to fall down his blushed cheeks.

"i-i just finally thought, you know, i'd have a friend." the way he spoke signalled he had slipped out of little space.

"don't misunderstand, all you guys are my friends but, none of you really like what i like. now i've finally met another l-little — he's g-gone." sobs were now heard, soon muffled as yoongi pulling him closer and hugged him tightly.

"baby, i'm so, so sorry you feel that way, and i'm so sorry jimin had left. but, you have to realise the situation we're in. okay darling?" cupping his cheeks, he nodded slowly.

tears drying yoongi spoke into the walkie talkie, "guys lets head back to my house now, it won't be safe staying any longer."

jeongguks heart hurt. jimin was somewhere out in the snow, still in the thin dinosaur onesie all alone. if them staying out this late was dangerous, he wonders what will happen to jimin.

questions where racing through this mind causing him to feel dizzy, as they exited the alleyway, following their route home.

arriving home never felt so sickening to jeongguk, usually, he'd feel a sense of relief wash over him. but, knowing what could've been his best friend is out in the snow, probably getting hypothermia or worse made a pang of newfound guilt appear to weigh down on his chest.

once everyone except hoseok, who went the furthest, was home yoongi and jin we're preparing a hot meal for the rest of the boys.

while preparing the food, yoongi hadn't realised the frown that sat on his pouty lip that didn't seem to leave.

"yoongi, you okay?"

turning to jin, yoongi just softly shook his head, "i feel bad, gguk now finally found someone with the same interest as him and then—"

yoongis speak was cut off by his phone, the loud ringtone bouncing off the walls of the kitchen.

the big screen flashing the caller's id which read 'seokseok'. grabbing the device, he quickly accepted and put it on speaker.

" i think i've found him."

authors note-

so i'm watching the new BTS movie with my best friend tomorrow and i can't wait🤪

i also thought i should update so here you guys go.

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