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chapter four
third person

a silence fell over the air like a blanket, completely covering the boys. "'m sorry, m-minie is so s-s-sorry. p-please dun' l-l-leave mi-minie, please."

the small boy fell on the tiled floor on his knees with a small thud that finally snapped the other two out of their trance.

yoongi soon rushes to pick up the boy of the ground, sitting on the closed toilet seat with the boy on his lap, cradling him like a child as he rocked back and forth.

"hey, calm down bubs. it's okay! it's okay we're not mad, we're not gonna leave you, look at me bubs," he took his cheek on his palm as he slowly lifted to face to make eye contact, "see! i'm not mad, i'm just surprised! i'm sure it's the same with bun."

his focus soon changed to jeongguk, seeing the bunny looking at his daddy with a small pout settled on his lips. yoongi notes how his left ear stood up daintily while the other was hung over the right side of his face; he was confused and maybe a little upset.

making a mental reminder to speak to him later, he looked down to see jimins cried had stopped and was now huddled against yoongis tear-stained shirt, "bubba?"

the said boy lifted his head, revealing his tear-stained cheeks and droopy eyes, clearly sleepy. his ears were pretty much the same as jeongguks, except one laid against his hair in sadness while the other was jutted out that twitched if any sound was emitted.

"let's get you two dressed and to bed, princes need their beauty sleep!" jimin gave a small nod, but jeongguk stayed still, starting at jimin and yoongis position.

after finally managing to get both boys dressed, and brushing their teeth (yoongi helping out jimin since he couldn't do himself) he led jimin into the guest bedroom and took jeongguk to their own.

facing jeongguk on the bed, he started, "what's wrong bun?" a small sigh left the bunny's lips. looking at yoongi with big eyes.

"bubba called you daddy but," his eyes started to tear up, "you're my daddy." small sniffles were soon heard as a single tear fell down his face.

"darling, you know i'm your daddy, jiminie probably just misses his old daddy," he wiped his tear away, looking at the time seeing it read '07:56' in big digital numbers. "and, you have school tomorrow. come on bun, sleepy time."

tucking in jeongguk, he quickly got up to turn the lights off and laying under the covers, spooning jeongguk.


the clock now read '02:04' when jeongguk found himself waking up because he needed to use the bathroom.

quickly getting up after managing to remove yoongis hands from around his thin waist and untangling their feet, he quickly got up, waddling sleepy as he left the room, entering the bathroom that was to his right.

after finishing his business, he left the bathroom after washing his hands to see the kitty leaving his room.

"hey," the kitten jumped, not expecting anyone to be awake at this time of the night, turning to make eye contact with the bunny with fluffy hair and floppy ears.


"how come you're awake?" the kitten's shoulders slightly dropped, contemplating what to say.

"m-minie couldn't sleep," his ears soon lay flat against his hair, even tho his body was beyond exhausted, his mind just wouldn't shut off, "had scary d-dream."

a frown settled on jeongguks lips, but soon smiled as an idea popped into his mind, "do you want warm milk? that's usually helps me sleep."

a court nod followed, as jeongguk let the kitten into the kitchen preparing milk in a plastic cup — just in case — putting it in the microwave, timing it for thirty seconds then dashing around the kitchen island, ducking under after hitting the 'start' button.

"w-wha' wrong, b-bun?" a confused kitten asked the bunny, still ducking with his eyes above the surface, watching the numbers get lower and lower.

"nothing, i just don't like microwaves," the kitten still watched the bunny in amusement, soon a small ding made him turn around.

a sigh of relief came from jeongguk, as he approached the microwave, taking out the warm cup and placing it in front of the kitten.

"here you go bubs," he gave a small smile, jimin soon lifting the cup inspecting the liquid inside.

truth to be told, jimin had never had milk. his old owner only letting him have water or the rare occasion of orange juice if he was extra good.

sloshing it around the cup then looking at jeongguk confused, "what? you've never had milk before?" shaking his head a loud gasp was emitted.

"how?! milk is like the best thing ever, besides banana milk!" now the bunny was looking at the kitten expectingly, "try it! i think you'll like it!"

taking a sip, jimins eyes widened comically, as he soon started to chug down the rest of the milk in one breath. a breathy chuckle leaving jeongguks lips, "guess you like it then, huh?"

"minie really l-loves it, t-thank you," reading the clock that was placed on the wall, reading the time '02:38' jeongguk concluding it was time to head back to bed.

"come one, bedtime," he started walking with jimin back to the guest bedroom, but soon stopped dead in his tracks when hearing what he said next.

"c-can ggukie sleep w-with m-minie?" looking at his feet ashamed, waiting for a rejection or some sort of dismissal from jeongguk.

yet what he didn't expect was jeongguk to take his hands into his own and looking straight into his eyes.

"of course."

truthfully, jeongguk didn't expect it either, but looking at jimin asking so shyly, looking at the ground reminded him when he asked yoongi the same thing for the first time.

a tingling feeling spread through his chest, seeing jimin wait for any sign of rejection, so without thinking, he had pulled the boy to his bed.

after getting comfy, the two boys found themselves facing each other, they both soon fell asleep, cuddling into one another.

authors note-

i hate milk and i can't read a normal clock.


¿should i, or should i not add cross-dressing?

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