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chapter twelve
third person

"'m gonna show daddy, bun gon' paint the prettiest picture! so pretty that daddy will forget about minie!" the bunny was angrily mumbling to himself.

after yoongi had explained the rules, he had left to continue with his nap, trusting the two hybrids wouldn't make a mess.

jimin was still seated at the drawing table, still using the same green crayon. as jeongguk was walking around collecting the water colour paints and brushes.

he had quickly gotten one of the plastic cups, also green, and ran to the bathroom to fill it up half way before making his way back.

in the whole room, there was one drawing table, fit for three. it was for painting also, but after earlier's encounter jeongguk found himself not wanting to sit anywhere near the kitten.

grabbing a sheet of newspaper to lay it on top of the white carpet that was placed away from the table, and started to settle everything on top.

"i don't think you should do that bun."

"'s nun' your beeswax!" he had plopped himself down, ready to start painting his masterpiece for his daddy.

half way through his painting, jeongguk was washing off the pretty purple paint into the cup of water.

though his paining seem a bit off. he kept swishing his paint brush in the water while he was examining his painting, he hadn't realised how harshly he had been until the cup had started to tip.

before he could even notice, he had seen a wet patch ascending from the corner of his painting up to the middle. he abruptly stood up, "m-my painting!" he cried.

"uh oh," jimin said in a taunting voice, noticing the purple water had soaked through not only the newspaper, but also the carpet. the once white carpet had now changed into a light purple.

jeongguk was scrambling to pick up the now empty cup, grabbing a load of tissues while attempting to dab off the water on his painting.

with jeongguks panicking and jimin watching, neither heard the door opening.

"what's going on in here!"

the room went silent. jimin and jeongguk looking at the fuming yoongi standing at the door.

jeongguks tears kept falling, the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

seeing as jeongguk wasn't going to speak anytime soon, jimin spoke up, "bun painted even when i said he shouldn't."

yoongi turned to look at jeongguk, seeing as he hadn't moved, "you know the rules! then you make a mess!" he huffed.

"that's it, you're getting a punishment." he had walked over to the younger, held him by his arm, and pulled him all the way to the living room.

"no! no spankies!" jeongguk started to thrash around, attempting everything to get out of the elders grasp.

"yes spankies, you've been a naughty boy and now you're refusing!" he sat down on the coach.

grabbing the younger towards him and laying him on his lap. pulling his pants down to uncover his clothes bottom, "count to ten."


"them why don't we make that fifteen." yoongi raised his hand, landing a firm slap to his left cheek.

"no! no no no!"

"i'm not going to stop until you start count to fifteen." he sent another firm slap. jeongguk was now full on sobbing in the blonde lap, big ears covering his face of embarrassment and sadness.

"s-strawberries! strawberries! strawberries!"

the silence had returned. except the only sounds was jeongguks muffled sobs. jimin, who had been watching from the stairs, cringed seeing the whole encounter.

"strawberries, strawberries!" the younger was heaving, feeling as if he couldn't breath properly.

"h-hey, it's okay. no more, no more." yoongi picked the younger to sit on his lap, attempting to hug the younger.

except jeongguk pushed him away. fat tears seeming endless, as he stormed off.

he had stopped right i front of the stairs, seeing jimin seated at the bottom.

sending him a scowl he screamed, "you steal everything!" as he continued to stomp up the stairs and lock himself in his and yoongis shared bedroom.

yoongi sat frozen on the coach, jeongguk had used his safe word. five fucking times.

jimin moves to sit with him, "ggukie hate minie?"

yoongi could only stare, his baby had used his safe word. he has never used it.

while yoongi and jimin sat in silence, jeongguk was upstairs. bag pack in hand as he stuffed it with a few clothes and some lollipops he stole from yoongis secret drawer.

making sure he had his charger and phone he quickly texted taehyung.

can i stay over?

what happened

can i tell you in person?

of course! you're welcome anytime!

thank you tata (:

making sure he had everything he'll need, he slowly crept down the stairs towards the front door.

slipping on his shoes, he silently opened the door and left making sure to close it behind himself without making a sound.

he stared to walk the path to taehyung and seokjins house without getting lost in his regressed state.

back in the house, yoongi was absentmindedly speaking to himself. "he used his safe word," he continuously whispered to himself.

jimin was seated on the ground in front of yoongi, not knowing what to do.

after some thinking, jimin had decided to look for jeongguk and apologise.

he walked up the stairs, approaching the couples bedroom and knocked twice.

he waited but never got an answer, soon grabbing the door knob to find the door open.

i'm was sure i had heard jeongguk lock it.

he walked into the room cautiously to find the closet door open and a few clothing articles thrown around, but no jeongguk.

let's not panic.

he walked into the connected bathroom to find that also empty.


he ran through all the rooms upstairs, from thoroughly checking each one only to keeping finding no jeongguk.

he then sprinted down the stairs — almost falling to his death — and ran into the living room to see yoongi still in daze. he quickly jamp in front of his shaking the elder to alert him.

"jeongguk is gone!"

authors note—

2/3 of the triple update i promised🤧

mayhaps i'll update later, mayhaps tomorrow😌

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