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chapter fourteen
third person

"fucking finally!" the tiger yelled. taehyung had spent the past half an hour staring at every little speck of blue glitter, watching it fall at an agonisingly slow pace.

as soon as the very last one had reached the bottom of the tube, the tiger jamp out of the uncomfortable chair and sped up the stairs.

just as he reached the top, he seen the kittens back, stood still in front of the open door. looking around to see no jin insight, he slowly approached the blonde with sharp eyes.

he soon found himself standing right behind the shorter, lifting his arm ready to pounce at the other but halted once he quickly glanced inside the bedroom.

slowly retreating from his stance, his movement was slow as he looked at jimins shocked face.

jeongguk was sat in yoongis lap — nothing out of the ordinary — but, he was babbling with droplets of drool slipping past his lips.

giggles where emitted from the youngest when yoongi would pretend to bite him when he'd shove his fingers in his mouth, like a baby.

soon realizing the situation, taehyung snapped out of his trance and shoved jimin aside as he barged inside.


yoongi looked at the tiger in alert, with two finger in his mouth and his saliva smeared all over his chin.

taehyung gently grabbed jeongguk and setting him on the small couch in the room, and jamp onto the blonde who was laying on the bed.

"bastard, bastard, bastard!" he sent weak punches to the blondes chest yoongi tries to fight back but settled on wiping his mouth onto the younger's bare arm.

taehyung let out a screech when feeling the the slimy substance on his arm, wiping it off onto the older.

they both froze when hearing the loud wails. they both turned their head to see jeongguk crying hysterically, thrashing around as jimin finally snapped out of his daze, attempting to calm him down.

"shit, ggukie doesn't like violence!" yoongi sat up, practically throwing taehyung off the bed as he rushed to comfort jeongguk.

"baby calm down, i'm here. dada's here," he said in a soothing voice. hugging the younger, he heard his sobs turn into little hiccups.

"he-he's in b-ba-baby space," jimin whispered, shocked that jeongguk even had that space of mind.

"yes, but jeongguk only goes into it when he's really, really upset," taehyung seethed, sending daggers towards yoongis way.

if only looks could kill, yoongi would've been long gone.

jeongguk began babbling again, rubbing his stomach. "is baby hungry?" yoongi said in a childish voice.

the younger only giggled, "well, let's get some food in your little belly, shall we?"

jeongguk giggles got louder, playing with yoongis cheeks, "let's go!"


jeongguk and jimin where sat on the kitchen island facing each other. jeongguk messily eating his mash potatoes, wearing an oversized bib — that seokjin conveniently had.

the kitten was just watching the younger in fascination. "what? surprised he has another headspace?"

seokjin walked into the kitchen, a new baby bottle in hand, "no, no! i'm still in shock that's all."

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