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I used to live out on the ice. I used to love to be out there doing what I did best, I would spend so much time out there perfecting my craft that my parents had to drag me off. There wasn't a thing I couldn't do in the world of figure skating, and it was all so much fun for me. It wasn't a sport to me, it was my life. And to be back out there on the ice now after all that's happened, it's crazy.

There was a little mini camp for the ice girls to go over what to do for games and how to do it. Then for the rest of the season we can just show up to the games and get ready and take the ice however we see fit. It was pretty laid back and it shouldn't be too hard considering I was very overqualified, but I wanted to make sure I was doing a good job. As for now we were going to work on picking up ice after the Blackhawks practice they had here a little earlier. Then we had to work on the shoot the puck games among other things we'll need to know for the season ahead of us.

"Oh my god... there's Jonathan Toews" one girl yells out as we all wait on the ice for something to happen and I see him standing in the tunnel. He had on those jeans that make his butt look really good and a grey sweater that hugged his toned body. His hair wet from a post practice shower and still stuck to his forehead.

I see him looking for me and once his eyes finds mine he smiles really big. I skate over to the tunnel where he was and I stop when I get to the end of the ice.

"Are you stalking me" I tease.

"Just came out here to make sure you're doing okay" he defends.

"If I didn't know any better I would say that you like me" I tease.

"I very much do" he claims and I feel my face heat up. I had a feeling he did, but I didn't think that after everything we've been through he would just come out and say it like that, it seemed too easy.

"I knew you weren't just being nice" I accuse as he chuckles.

"I was. But I was being nice while being attracted to you at the same time" he claims.

"Why are you saying this now..." I trail off.

"Well Kimmy is better now and you got a job. I figured the time was right" he shrugs.

"I mean right before I had my training for my job" I say and he laughs.

"Oh, then I don't know. I'm just bad at planning these kinds of things, especially when it comes to my feelings" he claims.

"Well maybe when we're done I can get Kimberly from the baby sitters and we can go to dinner and talk about this a little bit more" I say and he smiles.

"I would like that a lot" he claims.

"I'll text you when we're done and we can figure it out" I promise and he nods.

"Alright. I'll see you then" he smiles.

I skate back to the task at hand and when I do I see everyone staring at me. A few girls start to whisper and I begin to feel bad. A lot of them are returning and I was the new comer, so I didn't want to over step my boundaries. But I needed this job and as much as I hate to admit it, I needed Jonathan too.

"Don't worry about them, they're just mad that they've been here for years and they haven't talked to a hockey player yet" a girl starts and I laugh a little. I turn to see a tall girl with long brown hair looking at me and she sticks her hand out. "I'm Sierra" she introduces.

"I'm Alexis" I say and she laughs.

"I know who you are" she insists and I look at her weird. "Oh no, I'm not creepy or anything. I just watched a lot of figure skating growing up. I was a big fan of yours" she claims and I smile.

My Girl (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now