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It was game day here in the Windy City and I have to admit, I was pretty excited. The team has been nothing short of incredible so far in this young, and mightily shortened season. Apparently the guys were just as excited to be back as I was. Even when there was a guy like Patrick who went and played overseas he was still happy to be back playing here for the greatest fans ever.

As I get ready for the game at home I pull on my suit and make sure I had all my stuff ready for the game. I hear a little knock on my door and I open it up to see who it is. I see Kimberly standing there in one of my Blackhawks shirts that went all the way down to her ankles. I smile big as I pick her up and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Sissy said that I had to come give you a good luck hug" she tells me before she gives me s little squeeze. I close my eyes tight as I hug her back, her hugs were the best. This really was the best feeing ever.

"Thank you so much, I needed that" I insist.

"Do you like my shirt" she asks as she pulls at it.

"You mean my shirt" I ask.

"Well sissy wears it a lot so I wanted to too" she claims and I smile. I realize that's my shirt that she sleeps in all the time and I try my best not to happy cry.

"How about we get you your own hockey stuff" I ask and she lights up.

"Yay" she cheers.

I bring her out to her sister who was putting on makeup and doing her hair for the game tonight. Once she was satisfied she turns around to finish getting ready and she sees us in the doorway. She smiles big when she sees us there waiting for her.

"Aww look at you guys" she says as she walks over to me. "And did you steal my shirt I stole from Jonny" she asks her sister as she tickles her and Kimberly starts to giggle.

"Jonny said I can get my own shirt" Kimmy says.

"And I want this one back" Alexis insists as she tugs on the shirt Kim was wearing.

"I can get you a new one too" I assure her.

"No! I like this one. It smells like you" she smirks and I feel my cheeks warm up. What a cutie she is?

We finish getting ready and head over to the UC together. Kimberly is dropped off with one of Alexis' friends and Alexis heads down to change and I go to the locker room. I change too and talk to the guys and of course there was that one who just wouldn't stop talking to me.

"When I was in Switzerland almost no one took showers after games. It was great" Patrick explains as he sits next to me and I start to gag.

"Now I'm happy I stayed here instead" I admit.

"Sure. It has nothing to do with your imaginary girlfriend you got" he says.

I haven't told the guys much about the whole situation I find myself in. As far as they know I've been seeing a girl since the beginning of this year and that I really really like her. How this all came about was a tough topic for Alexis and for me too, I mean we didn't meet like they do in the fairy tales. She really needed some help and I really wanted to help her. She's not proud of what she's had to do but I accept the fact that she had to fight, she's just afraid that other people won't see it like that and would say she's using me, so we usually don't say anything at all. We're gonna figure it out ourselves then when we're ready we'll tell everyone. If I tell them that her and her sister lives with me already they'll think I've lost my mind or that I'm just doing it because she's really hot. They wouldn't understand that there's a connection between her and I that can't put in words and how everything I've done with her feels so right. And most of all I wanted to keep her protected as she tries to find herself in all this chaos.

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