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After the blimp in warm ups in prelims I wasn't so concerned about my skating. I mean, I was here for a reason after all. After all this time I finally can become who I was supposed to be, but only if I didn't stand in my own way.

Luckily for me I had Jonathan who was wise and kind and oh so smart. he's been through this already and he was more than easy to help me through it. He got me to see that nothing was going to happen that wasn't supposed to. Sometimes I will fall, but every time I will get back up. Not my knee or my parents or doubt could stop me from rising each time I fall. Only I can, but I wasn't going to do that anymore.

This particular morning I was going to sit down and do a interview with ESPN. A lot of people have been asking to talk to me but Pete always advises against it. Especially with my case where my story is so complex and painful and can be used to someone's advantage, it was hard for me to open up to the public. I didn't want people to pity me or hate my parents. I didn't want this to be about anything more than my skating. My struggles were personal and never showed in my skating so I never saw why I needed the sob story. I just wanted people to see me for who I wanted to be at the end of the day.

But then I realized there's people like me who want to give up. Who hear what they're told and believe that is the only way. But I'm here to tell them there's always another way, only if you're brave enough to take that path.

So I change into my team USA warmups and get my hair and makeup done. I get taken to Olympic village where espn was set up for coverage. I sit across from a man in a nice suit and introduce myself. He explains that he was going to ask questions then I was to answer as honest as possible.

"So I want to go from the beginning" he starts, "What got you into skating?"

"Honestly it was so I had some way to get out of the house. Where I grew up, people weren't that nice. It didn't take much to go down the wrong path, so my parents tried everything to get me away from there. They tried gymnastics and softball and soccer, it wasn't until I got some skates did I finally feel like I belonged somewhere. Then from there on out it was all heart" I explain.

"Were you pushed beyond what most kids were as a kid" he questions.

"By myself, yes" I smile as he laughs at me. "My parents or coaches didn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do. In fact they were trying to get me off the ice in most cases. My abilities and skills are straight passion and hard work. Nothing else" I assure him.

"You were always destined for greatness, to be the best athlete to ever tie up a pair of figure skates, then you get hurt. How come you gave up on something that meant so much to you" he wonders.

"It was a little too easy to let go, to be honest with you. My heart was broken, for I was hurt beyond comprehension by the sport I once loved. I was told I would never skate again and part of me was relieved, because it wasn't going to be all about skating anymore. It wasn't about getting Nike and Gatorade deals and building up the USA skating program and being famous. None of that stuff mattered anymore. I lost my passion for skating because I couldn't find it in that mess. In a way, that injury was a blessing in a very very hard to see costume.

Then I finally saw the world for what it was and not for what it wanted me to see. My parents left me to fend for myself. My sister and I struggled every day to stay housed and find food. I finally saw life through the eyes of a commoner, what this world is really like. And it can be ugly, let me tell you. I worked at some awful places, worked alongside some awful people. And in the end it made me stronger and smarter" I say.

"How did you end up back on the ice" he questions and I laugh a little.

"I was a ice girl" I say and the man chuckles. "I'm serious. Jonathan Toews got me to try out for the job right after we met at the beginning last year and I made it. That was the first time I had been on the ice since I got hurt" I explain.

"And why did you finally decide to get back out there" he asks and I stop. I really think about this question before I start to smile.

"I did it for me. I did it to prove to myself that my mistakes are not who I am, but who I used to be. That I can overcome anything that comes my way because god never puts me through something I can't handle. I was meant to be on the ice, I can just feel it. And for a while I needed to be away, I needed to put things into a perspective that had nothing to do with the view from the ice. And eventually being out there and not figure skating was killing me. I was so close to being who I was supposed to be but I tripped at the last hurdle every time.

But I had two reasons I was able to do it and they're both here with me for the Olympics. My sister is my biggest fan and she's a huge reason why I came back, and without Jonny I wouldn't be here with you ready to bring back gold for team USA" I smile.

"What does winning tomorrow mean to you" he asks.

"It means everything. It makes what I've been through finally worth it. It wasn't easy, I broke so many times I didn't think I would ever be able to get myself together again. But I made it, I'm here and I'm not leaving until I get to do what I need to do" I explain.

"Final question for you. What is it like to be a part of one of the most dynamic Olympic power couples this world has ever seen" he questions and I laugh.

"It's so funny you say that because I don't feel famous and neither does Jonny. We both are in our own rights, but we both just want to push each other to be the best, no matter what name is on our chest. He's a incredible athlete and a leader both on and off the ice. I would follow him anywhere. I'm so lucky that he's on my side, I couldn't do this without him" I admit.

"Well we can't wait to see you tomorrow. Best of luck" he says.

"I'll try my best."

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