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Amidst this crazy part of my life where I went from being jobless and evicted with my ill sister from our run down apartment to living in a penthouse with my hockey player boyfriend and trying to capture lighting in a bottle, has been this beautiful blooming relationship we have. I've never been good with handling relationships with the guys I've been with, I would have rather been on the ice or with my family at home. All the boyfriends I did have didn't have a purpose to their life so they always seemed to throw it away on something stupid and I give up on trying to make it work.

But my knight in shining armor came and literally saved me. He's helping me chase my dreams and we're falling in love along the way. It's the best feeling to know that you have someone there for you the way he's there for me. Someone who supports you and doesn't judge you for what you've been through, just wants to help you become who you're going to be.

For the longest time I didn't think a man like him existed, he randomly brings Kimmy and I flowers to make us smile and he treats my little sister like she's his blood. He always protects her and teaches her all the important lessons in life. And he looks mighty fine while doing it might I add.

And in the middle of this chaos we find some time for a date night. I assured him we didn't have to but he really wanted to. He had something really cool planned out and of course I'm curious as to what he has.

"I think you should wear this" Kim says pulling out a little red dress from the closet which I've never seen before. I'm usually in jeans or something for work and this piece of clothing looked way too nice to be anything I got for myself.

"Where in the world did you get that from" I ask. Because it wasn't in my closet at any point before today. At least not that I'm aware of.

"Jonathan let me pick it out for your date tonight! And since red is my favorite color that means you will look really good in it" she claims. Childlike logic is the best, even if there is no logic to it at all.

"Oh really" I ask as I take it from her. "Let's find out."

Once I slip into the dress I take my briads out so my hair is nice and wavy

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Once I slip into the dress I take my briads out so my hair is nice and wavy. I put on a little makeup and a pair of silver heels I recently got and I was ready to go.

"Man... I'm good" Kimberly claims as she looks me up and down and I roll my eyes.

"Come, O' Modest One, I want pictures with my personal fashion designer" I say. I pull her into my side and we take a bunch of pics In the bathroom mirror before Jonny yells at us for taking too long.

So we leave our room and I find him in a nice suit standing by the door. He smiles at me as I walk over to him. He grabs my hand and spins me around before pulling me into his chest.

"Damn. Your sister sure does know how to pick a dress" he admits.

"She's pretty cool" I admit.

"Hey! I'm awesome" she announces as she stands up on the couch. She stomps her little foot down in protest and it makes a little thud as her foot hits the cushion.

"You're also not supposed to be up there" I remind her.

"So" she sass' back.

"I got this" Jon announces. He goes over and picks her up off the couch before tossing her into his arms. He starts to tickle her and she lets out that infectious laugh.

"Alright. You're going to go hang out with Ms. Taylor and little Richie down the hall while your sister and I have a romantic date on a boat" Jonathan tells her as he carries her to the door.

"You're coming back right" she innocently questions.

"I'll always find my way back to you" he says and I feel my heart flutter. Seriously, how is this man real?

So we drop her off at our friends place and head to the pier. We get on whatever boat Jonathan said to and head to the deck. I lean across the railing as I wait for the boat to take off. I feel Jon snake his arm around me and I smile to myself. I rest my head on his shoulder as I watch the city slowly get farther and farther away.

"So how has training been" he wonders and I laugh.

"I can't feel my legs" I admit and he smiles.

"So good" he teases and I nod.

"They've been really good. I don't even feel like it's training. I'm having fun and Frank is awesome. He always tells me to take it easy but if it was easy then it's not for me" I insist.

"You remind me so much of me" he claims and I smile.

"At least I'm doing something right."

We get out on the lake and the boat drops anchor. It was just him and I out there and the driver stayed inside the boat letting us be alone for once. We just looked out over the city and talked about the finer things in life. It's so easy to want to talk about the bad, but with him it never seems bad. He makes me feel so... good. No matter how much I'm around him I always loved to hear what he said, he's wise beyond his years. He was two years older than me but he was so intellectual. I could just sit here and talk to him forever.

"Can I tell you something I've never told anyone before" he randomly asks as I turn to him.

"Of course" I say.

"Sometimes I hate being the person I am, or I guess the person people make me out to be. It's so exhausting trying to act like this guy who is nothing but a hockey player. Hockey was my first love but it's just not the same anymore. After the lockout and not being able to play I realized that although hockey is my life, it's still just a game. And I'm going to be chasing records and trophies all my career and for what? To have my name on a giant chunk of metal that will one day be replaced by someone else's name? I've done most everything a hockey player could ever ask for and I still feel empty.

But you and Kimmy, you guys make my heart so full. people think I'm always Captain Serious and that I'm always that guy who will do anything to win. But I really hate that this isn't the sport I fell in love with. It's a job that I can't fix. But then I remember my girls, you and your sister, and I remember the real point to all of this. I know that the memories I hold in my head is better than anything I can hold in my hands above my head.

And now I'm actually enjoying playing. It helps when your team hasn't lost in regulation, but you guys make it all worth while. I wait before every home game for Kimberly to give me my good luck hug and I can't wait until after games for you to give me a kiss and for you to tell me that you're proud of me. That's the kind of things that matter to me, not the numbers" he claims.

"The people who should know that, do. They understand you and how you work. This world is harsh, it will never understand you, they don't want to. The whole Captain Serious thing sells and if that's what people want to see you as that's what they'll see. But I'm not buying what they're selling and neither is Kimberly. We know you are the sweetest most kind hearted man out there and that's what matters" I say.

"I just don't want you to think I play for the wrong reasons. Skating has always been a passion for you as hockey has been for mine. But that gets lost in the car commercials and in the newspapers" he says.

"I don't care what they say. I care about you and I want to hear whatever it is you need to say from you" I insist.

"You promise who I'm supposed to be doesn't get to you" he asks.

"Of course not. I've been through it all. I was called a robot for a while and accused of using performance enhancing drugs because I had a six pack. I've heard it all before. But you've shown me the real you and I've never seen you as anyone less" I promise.

He softly pulls me into a kiss and I pull him close.

"Thank you for believing in me" he whispers.

"Thank you for giving me something to believe in."

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