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I've worked a lot of important games as an ice girl this season. Although I haven't been here too long, I've been at ice level for a lot of history this year. There was the whole point streak to start it all off and I've had plenty of hats to pick up around here. Although this is my first and probably only season being a ice girl I sure am lucky it was this one.

Tonight's game was probably the best game yet, it was game seven of the western conference semi finals and whoever wins this goes on to the conference finals in just a few short days. As always the building was packed with red, almost all of them for the Hawks and not the Red Wings, and it was as loud as ever. I'm happy Kimberly is up in the boxes because she would get roughed up out in the stands.

"How do you think this game is going to go" Sierra asks after get done cleaning the ice early in period one.

"For all our sakes I hope well" I insist.

"What do you think Jon is like after a loss like this" she asks and I laugh.

"After falling 3-1 earlier this series he locked himself in his room and played sad music for hours, but he didn't want to be alone so he locked Kimberly and I in there with him. Kimberly kept telling him that it's okay, she gets knocked down all the time but she always gets back up. And for some reason I think it worked" I admit.

"Your sister should be a social worker" she teases and I laugh.

"You can't solve all the world issues with one line inspirational quotes and ice cream" I insist.

"You can't" she asks.

"No... you can't" I assure her. "Plus she wants to be a hockey player now."

"Not a figure skater" she questions.

"Well she only has figure skates, but she keeps falling on the ice so she thinks it's easier to play hockey" I explain.

"It's still on ice" she says and I laugh.

"I know. But try explaining that to a seven year old" I sigh.

As the game wears on the intensity increases to levels I didn't even know were possible. I wasnt even on the ice and I was getting stressed out. The game was rough and tough as most hockey games are, but this one had more to it. The Hawks clawed their way back to a game seven and it would suck if this all happened for no reason.

The buzzer sounds as the crowd lets out a groan. The game was being sent into over time and no one in here wanted any more of this game. The players were tired and the fans were emotionally drained. But we play until someone wins and I'll wait forever as long as we win it.

"At least the zambonis clean the ice for this part" I admit as the guys exit the ice after the third period.

"True. I wonder if they let us go get some food or drinks since we're here late" Sierra wonders.

"Lets go see because I could really go for a pretzel with cheese" I admit.

We go into the tunnels and down to where we get ready. There was some food set out and we help yourselves to whatever we wanted. So I grab a water and a pretzel and sit down. I kick my skates up on the table and Sierra laughs at me.

"You're so lady like" she teases.

"I am the vision of sophistication and grace" I claim and I wipe the extra cheese from the side of my mouth.

"You're something" she admits. "How long have you had those skates" she asks and I look at my old cut up and worn out pair of skates.

"Too long. I want to get new ones but I have problems with change when it comes to my skating" I insist.

"Those are going to fall apart" she claims.

"And when they do, I'll get a new pair. But I'm using these for as long as I can" I insist.

We go back out for the fourth period here tonight and we wait until we were needed. I try to watch the game but the thought of this all being over any second made me sick. It was awful.

"I'm gonna throw up" I mumble.

"I told you those pretzels looked sketchy" Sierra shuns and I shake my head.

"No! That's not it. I'm just nervous" I sigh.

"Well this game can't last forever" she claims.

"It really can" I sigh.

Finally the goal horn sounds and judging from the sound of the crowd it was us who scored. I look to the ice as all the Blackhawks players were piled around Brent as he was pressed up against the glass celebrating.

"Is it over" I ask.

"Yeah it's over. And you get to go home with one happy boyfriend" she says and I let out a sigh. Thank god.

We get relieved of our duties so I change and go get Kimberly from upstairs. We hang out downstairs with the other families as they wait for their loved ones to get back.

"I was worried there for a second" Amanda admits and I laugh.

"I was a whole mess" I admit.

"You? But you're a athlete, aren't you supposed to handle pressure well" Abby asks.

"I'm supposed to... but I don't. I stoped with the nervous throw up but it still gets to me sometimes" I explain.

"Well its all over and we get to do it all again with the Kings next series" she says and I let out a loud groan.

"Again" I ask.

"There's 4 series" she tells me and I shake my head.

"I don't think my heart can take it" I admit.

"I'll help you sissy" Kimberly says and I smile.

"Thanks baby girl" I say as I pick her up. She has her Toews jersey on and a Blackhawks bow that Abby made for her in her curly blonde hair. She was a cutie for sure.

Finally the guys comes out and naturally Jon was the last one. He made sure he said thank you to everyone who was working tonight and got to talk to everyone who had questions for him. He's just sweet like that. And finally he comes out and over to me. Kimberly had fallen asleep in my arms and I was pretty close to dropping her.

"What'd you do? Knock her out" he jokes as he takes her from me. She stays silent as he holds her up.

"She's exhausted from cheering for you so hard" I admit and he smiles.

"At least we didn't let her down" he says.

"Yeah. Lucky us we get to do it all over again" I tease.

"Are you ready for that" he asks and I laugh.

"Absolutely not. But luckily for you I'm not the one out there playing."

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