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After 4 days and 5 nights in that cold hospital, Kimberly was released to come home. She had some new medication that's going to take a while for her body to get used to, but it should help her out a lot. She couldn't go back to school quite yet so her and I were going to hang out as much as we can in the mean time. Partially because I was scared to leave her and partially because Jon was gone again and I didn't like to be alone.

"You know, you and Jonny promised me a dog forever ago" she reminds me and I laugh.

"Where are you going with this" I ask as I buckle myself in after making sure her car seat was good.

"Hopefully to a dog pound" she admits and I shake my head.

"Here's my phone. Face time Jon and ask him if we can get a dog. If he says yes then we can get one. If he says no..." I trail off.

"Trick him into saying yes" she finishes a bit too excited if you ask me.

"What!!? No! It means you're not getting a dog" I tell her as she lets out a huff.

"Fine" she mumbles a she finds Jon's name in my phone. I pull out of the parking lot of the skating rink and head back into the city. I was going to drive around until I figured out where I needed to be next.

"Hey cutie pie" Jon answers and I smile.

"Hi Jonny" Kimberly cheers like she does every time she sees Jon. Must run in the family.

"What are you doing with your sisters phone" he asks and I laugh. Kimberly loves to take my phone and call Jon when I'm not paying attention. If that was a job she would be the head of the company.

"We needed to call you but she's driving so she made me call you" she explains.

"Can I see my girlfriend" Jon questions.

"Why" she quizzes and he just laughs at her confusion.

"Just turn the phone for a second so I can see her" he begs as he knows the road that question she just asked is a long one.

She finally turns the phone around and puts it next to me. I turn to see Jon siting in his hotel shirtless just smiling at me.

"Awww you look so pretty right now" he claims and I start to blush. I just got out of practice so I know I didn't, but it means a lot he will lie to me to make me smile.

"I'm assuming Patrick isn't around" I say and he laughs.

"He and Shaw decided to go terrorize the animals at the zoo" he explains and I nod. Makes sense.

"Well we miss you" I say.

"I miss you guys too. I can't wait to be home so we can cuddle and watch scary Halloween movies" he claims and I let out a loud groan. I've been trying to avoid them but with Halloween around the corner there's no ignoring it.

"Nooo" I whine as he laughs.

"You promised" he reminds me.

"Can it be like a funny scary movie? The ones that are so bad that it's funny" I beg.

"I'll think about it" he smirks.

My Girl (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now