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The turnaround from nationals to the olympics was short, but it gave us some time to repack and make sure Kimberly was all caught up in school before we left. We were bringing Blue with us since she was a trained service dog and we didn't have anyone left around here to watch her. So we get all packed up once again before relaxing in what was left of our apartment now that everything is packed away. All of our things were by the door ready to go and I couldn't be more excited for this adventure that awaits us.

The only problem was that we leave tomorrow and it was also Kimberly's birthday. She didn't mind not being able to celebrate, she could just celebrate in Russia and get whatever she wanted there. But her friends were here and it would just be better to not have to bring her presents with us, so we decide to celebrate early. We throw her a party and invite some of her friends over to say goodbye to until we got back in a few weeks.

So Alexis decorates the apartment with pink and silver decorations. We get her a cake with barbies on it since she was in the Barbie phase and get her a cute birthday girl dress. We invite whoever she wanted over and make sure we have enough drinks for the kids and the parents. There's snacks and games and music for everyone to enjoy.

Before we know it the place is packed with people and I was getting pretty overwhelmed. I start to look for Alexis but I couldn't seem to find her anywhere.

"Have you seen my girlfriend" I ask Hossa who's little girl was here too.

"She was just here" he admits looking around.

"That's okay. If you see her can you tell her I'm looking for her" I ask.

"Yeah. Will do" he promises.

I keep looking and looking and finally I find her with her sister in the corner. It looked like Kimberly was crying and that broke my heart. It's her birthday party, she shouldn't be crying. So I go over to them and Alexis looks at me with sad eyes.

"What's wrong" I ask.

"Some one told Kimberly that she only has friends because I'm dating you" Alexis explains softly so Kimberly doesn't hear.

"Excuse me" I snap and she lets out a sigh.

"Apparently Kimberly said something to a group of her friends that she's really happy so many people made it out to celebrate her birthday early. She's never had a birthday party before and she was excited that her hockey friends, her figure skating friends and her school friends could all be here and hang out.

That was when one of the little girls told her that the only reason these people were here was because their parents wanted to meet you" she explains. I furrow my eyebrows as I try not to over react. But Kimberly was my girl too, she was wearing the ring to prove it. And I do not tolerate bullying or such lies to be said about my favorite little girl.

"Which girl" I ask as I look around and she laughs at my reaction.

"What, you gonna go be a enforcer to a 40 pound 9 year old girl" she asks.

"No. I just wanna talk" I insist.

"I'm sorry to tell you this Jonny, but she's not the only one who thinks that. You can't be mad at her for being a kid and opening her mouth. She's a little girl, she lives for the drama. Nothing you say is going to fix that" she reminds me.

"Well I can't let her walk around thinking she's right" I insist.

"The only little girl who needs a talking to is standing on the corner over there sniffiling because she thinks she's nothing without you" she says.

I turn to Kimberly and see her still crying. A few of her friends come over there to comfort her but I knew they couldn't fix this, only I could. So I ask her friends to give us some space and I sit in front of her. I pull her chin up so she had to look me in the eyes.

"Can you look at me" I ask.

"No" she claims.

"You're looking at me right now" I remind her. She closes her eyes and I let out a sigh. I rest my hand on her knee as I try to find the words.

"You know, when I was a little kid no one wanted to be my friend" I start. She opens up one eyes as she watches me. "I was a weirdo. I loved to workout, not play video games. I watched what I put in my body, not Saturday morning cartoons. I had a workout regime I did for fun and when people spent the night at my house I made them do it with me" I explain and she finally cracks a smile.

"That's sounds awful" she admits and I laugh.

"It was. I was a weird kid and no one wanted to hang out with me" I explain.

"But they do now. That's all they want" she insists and I shake my head.

"No. They want to hang out with the great Jonathan Toews, captain of the Chicago Blackhawks. Not the Jonny you know" I explain.

"They don't want to hang out with me either" she claims.

"I think that's untrue. Because unlike me, you're fun and smart and adorable and kind. You make everybody feel special and you don't make anyone do ab circuits at 2 in the morning. You don't need gold medals or Stanley cups for people to want to be around you. They already know that there's never going to be anyone like you and they would be stupid not to see that now.

I don't care what that girl said, she's wrong. People love you, I love you. And as long as you know you're loved you know your worth. Your worth is far more than anything I can give you. You can change the world some day, not just the hockey world. But you have to believe in yourself before anyone else does" I promise her.

"Why do you want to be my friend" she asks and I smile big.

"Because Kim, when I think about the future I know it's in good hands because it's in your hands. I'm growing old, one day not too far from now my influence will be a fraction of what it once was. But you will be front and center, standing up for what you believe in and people will believe in you" I assure her.

"You really think so" she asks and I nod.

"I know so."

My Girl (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now