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After a very successful Olympics where Alexis and I brought home 3 gold medals, it was time to go back to sweet home Chicago. But it wasn't back to life as we know it, for a lot has changed since we were here last. We were basically royalty to the city of Chicago. Alexis more so than me because she was on team USA. Her face was everywhere around here and the practice rink was always filled with fans trying to see her. And although she was taking a break from the ice for a while she still came to the rink to meet fans and sign stuff. She's been handling the instant fame really well and I was so proud of her.

But she wasn't the only one ready to make big moves, I had one myself all planned out and I was ready to put it into action. So I pull on my favorite suit and get my hair done up all nice. I make sure everyone I needed was where they need to be and I go retrieve my girlfriend from our room.

She had on this light pink dress that made my knees go weak

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She had on this light pink dress that made my knees go weak. Her long blonde hair was down for once and curled. She had some makeup on and bright red lipstick which she knew was my favorite. She was standing in the mirror looking at herself like she always does. She had the biggest smile on her face as she just stares at herself.

"You look beautiful" I say softly making her turn around.

"Thanks. I wish I knew why I got all dolled up for..." she trails off.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you" I remind her.

"Yeah, well you've been talking about this night since we got back to Chicago and my expectations are really high" she tells me.

"I'll try not to disappoint" I smirk.

After Alexis believes that Kimberly is with a baby sitter and Blue is in her kennel we set out to our surprise date. Or at least what Alexis thinks is a surprise date. But instead we go to the United Center where all our friends and friends were waiting in the tunnel for their cue. They were waiting for the mark to go on the ice but there was a few things that had to happen first.

"Why are we at the ice rink? Aren't you tired of this place yet" she teases.

"It's not for me" I insist.

"You know I'm on a break from skating" she reminds me.

"I don't want you to skate. I want you to watch a little video I had prepared" I explain and her eyes go big.

"What? You got the United Center to play a video you made here" she questions.

"On the ice too. It wasn't easy but once I told them it was for you they didn't hesitate to help me make this night extra special" I explain.

"I'm still not really sure what this night is" she admits.

"How about we go and watch so you can find out" I insist.

I grab her hand and take her to our seats. I give the signal and the show begins. I keep her hand in mine to keep my nerves from getting to me. But they were building every second and I couldn't stop them from coming.

The first part of the video was her on the ice. There was clips of her skating when she was younger up until the Olympics. It looked like she was actually out there and it was pretty awesome. Eventually it comes to her standing on the podium with the medal around her neck and tears in her eyes. I get tears in my eyes too because that moment was one of those things were everything was changing. And it was my turn to make a change.

Right after that Kimberly pops up in the video and I smile. She had on her sisters medals and one of her old leotards. This was but a few days ago she recorded this, but she was still pretty high on her sister as she should be.

"Why do you want me to marry your sister" I ask her and she smiles so big. I hear Alexis gasp beside me and I give her hand a squeeze.

"I want you to marry my sister because you pinky promised me you would when you first baby sat for me" she explains and I laugh.

"Why else" I question.

"Because you guys are really happy together. Before we met you my sister was sad and she only lived for me. Now we have a family again and she's skating. You make our lives better and I can't wait to be the flower girl" she claims.

I turn to Alexis who had her free hand over her mouth. She had a tear sitting on her cheek and I quickly wipe it away. She smiles over at me before pulling me into a kiss. And as ready as I was to get down on one knee, the video wasn't over quite yet. My parents come up on the screen and now it was their turn.

"Why do you want me to marry Alexis" I asked my parents as they both kind of laugh.

"Because you told us about it beforehand unlike when you guys started dating" my mom shuns.

"I like her better than you" my dad jokes and I laugh.

"But in all seriousness" my mom starts, "Alexis is the most wonderful, caring and thoughtful women I've met. She has so much strength and so much love, I'm so thankful she fell into your arms. Every time we're around you guys it's like no one else is in the room but you two. I don't have a daughter and there isn't a person I would rather have become part of this family than Alexis and Kimberly. I can't wait until you finally get the balls to ask her to marry you" she claims. I guess I should have edit last that part out...

This goes on for a little while longer with some of her friends and Pete and some of the guys from the team. Finally the lights turn on and people fill out onto the ice.

"Jonny" Alexis asks but I don't answer. I grab the engagement ring from the cup holder in the seat next to me and get down on one knee.

Once the lights turn on we look to the ice and standing there was all our friends and family waiting for me to make my move. They were all holding a sigh that said "Alexis will you marry me" waiting for me to finally pop the question.

But before I can even ask she pulls me into a passionate kiss. I softly caress her face as I hold her close.

"Is that a yes" I whisper on her lips.

"Yes baby, yes."

My Girl (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now