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While I didn't financially need the ice girls job anymore, I wanted to stick it out for this season. It was a short season and I was really thankful for being offered this job, just giving up on it would be a real crying shame. It's a honor to be chosen out of the nearly hundred of girls who auditioned for this part, the least I can do is respect it. It's only a few nights out of the week and the organization takes care of Kimberly while I work so what do I have to complain about?

And since the season was already mostly over I was kinda sad. Time really seemed to pass by in a flash and I didn't know what to do with myself. These girls weren't as bad as they were at the beginning and Sierra and I have gotten really close. I've never really had friends all my life, I was always in a rink or nearly homeless so there was never time for brunch or going drinking with the girls. But now I can do that and it makes my heart happy.

Today we had a photo shoot for a calendar that was a fundraiser for charities. Then again we get paid for being here today so it's not really a charity thing anymore but I still enjoy it. I got to hang out with some of my friends and I'll be in a calendar so that's pretty cool.

"When is your competition" Sierra asks as we wait for our turn to take pictures. We were sitting off to the side with our friends Mandy and Jennifer as we wait our turn to get pictures done.

"This weekend" I say and she nearly chokes.

"What!?! That's so soon" she says and I nod.

"I know. But it's the only one I could get into before nationals" I explain.

"How has training been going" she asks.

"It's been great honestly. I've had a few nasty spills but my knee has been fine and as long as I commit to the skill I should be good to go" I insist.

"What do you do" Mandy wonders as she tries to figure out what we were taking about.

"I figure skate. Well... I used to. Now I'm trying to get back into it" I explain.

"Are you any good" she questions and I laugh.

"I was decent" I say as I nod my head.

"Decent" Sierra scoffs. "She was the best in the nation. She was untouchable" she claims and I start to blush.

"I think you're overselling me" I insist.

"I don't think I am" she argues.

"I want to see some of this" Mandy claims and I shake my head. I wasn't into making public scenes, even though it was just us ice girls.

"No way" I insist.

"Come on! It's just us girls in here" she insists.

"If I do something can we please stop talking about this" I ask and they both nod. I let out a exasperated sigh as I skate towards some free ice. The pictures were being taken on the Blackhawks symbol in the middle and I go off to the side. I didn't want to mess up my hair and makeup but I could still have a little fun.

I do a little stretch because the last thing I needed was to pull something the week of a competition. After I was all warmed up I do a few spins and leaps and kinda mess around. I wasn't going to do anything crazy because I was just showing off for my friends, gotta keep the good stuff for this weekend.

"Alright alright, we get it. You're good" Mandy teases and I stop messing around. I skate back to her and Sierra as they give me a round of applause. I fake bow to them before I hear my name called by the photographer.

"You're up superstar" Sierra says.

"Great. And now my hairs a mess" I say trying to fix it on my way over.

We get the pictures started and it goes well. But right when I thought I would be done and I could go save my sister from being corrupted by Jonathan the photographer stops me.

"Do you think I could get some action shots of you" he asks.

"Of me picking up ice" I question and he laughs.

"No. Of you figure skating. I think it would be cool to have some shots in the calendar. Maybe even be the center fold" he claims and I shrug.

"Why not" I smile.

I do some spins and some light jumps because I've learned if you're spinning too fast it's hard to capture it on camera. So we do some simple things and he actually does a great job with the pictures.

"Wow, these are incredible" I admit as I look them over.

"Thanks! I wanted to do action shots when I was in college but I ended up doing portraits instead" he sighs.

"A wise man once told me that your fear of the risks should never feel heavier in your heart that the fear of never being who you are supposed to be" I say and he smiles.

"That's a very smart man" he admits.

"He's pretty great" I agree.

Once we were done I change and head back to the apartment. A bunch of my stuff was packed for Canada this weekend and we had one home game to get through before then. So I was planning on training hard for the rest of my free time to get ready for the competition.

I let myself into the apartment was ready to hang out with my two favorite people, but when I get home it was super quiet. Too quiet if you ask me.

"Hello" I ask as I set my stuff down.

Suddenly Jon and Kimberly jump out from behind the couch and start to yell. I scream really loud as I nearly jump out of my skin. I hold my hand to my chest as I try to catch my breath and the two loves of my life laugh at me at my expense.

"God I hate you guys" I huff as I try to stop the heavy heart palpitations going on in my chest.

"You were right. She does scare easy" Jonny says as he turns to my sister.

"This was your idea" I ask her and her big blue eyes get bigger.

"Uh oh..." she trails off.

She takes off and I run after her. I easily catch her and toss her into my arms as she laughs loudly. I tickle her until her face turns red and I toss her on the couch once I got my revenge.

"Jonny! You said you would protect me" Kim whines.

"Oh, no. I'm scared of your sister" he claims and I smile.

"Damn right."

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