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I walk into the United Center for a early December morning skate before we take on the Lightning tonight. I had on two winter jackets because even for this Canadian boy these winds get to be a bit much at times. So I blow into the stadium and down to the locker room. I see a bunch of cameras and people doing interviews and I become confused.

"What's going on" I ask the equipment manager.

"They just announced who made the Olympic hockey teams on Twitter this morning" he explains and my eyes go big.

"That was today" I gasp. How did I not realize that was today? Then again I don't have twitter so how would I know.

"Yeah. And there's a lot of people waiting to talk to you" he insists. I wasn't late to the UC by my standards, but I guess everyone else came early remembering that today was the day they announced roster.

"Me? Why me" I ask as she starts to laugh.

"Always so modest" he teases. "You made the team Jon. How could you not" he asks.

"I don't know. Hockey is weird like that. I'm not Wayne Gretzky" I remind him.

"You're not. But you're Jonathan Toews, the man who is in the middle of his best year personally and is the captain of one of the best teams this decade and in Blackhawks history. It's not going to be the Olympics if you weren't in it" he insists.

"Well I'm honored" I smile.

I walk into the locker room to see my stall along with 9 others fixed up with Olympic jerseys in the stalls. I smile big when I realized that my hawks family is still going to be right there with me through it all. And of course there's Kaners Jersey right next to mine. 

"Get lost on the way in" he teases and I roll my eyes.

"I forgot that this was today" I defend.

"How could you forget" he questions.

"I don't know. With the holidays and making sure Alexis secures her spot on the US team I guess it just... slipped my mind" I explain.

"Well lucky you we won't let you forget it. Because there's 9 of us coming with you and no matter who you play you're probably gonna see us" he assures me.

"I don't want anything to do with you" I tease.

"Because you're afraid I'm gonna beat you" he smirks.

"Because you annoy me" I tease as he punches my arm. "I'm just kidding. I like it a lot better when I'm playing with you than against you" I assure him.

"Aww. That was kind of sweet" he jokes.

"Well Christmas time does make me happy. Plus Kimmy is spending the whole weekend at her friends house and it's just me and Alexis..." I trail off.

"Yeah yeah, happiest couple in the world crap. I don't want to hear it" he scoffs.

"What are you taking about? You and Amanda have been going strong for forever" I defend.

"Yeah. And you and Alexis have never left the honeymoon phase. It's gross" he claims.

"It's not out fault that a lot had to happen for us to have come this far. We appreciate everything we've been through and we can't wait to see where we're going" I explain.

"I'm going to the bathroom because that little monologue right there makes me want to throw up" he claims as he walks away.

"Love is beautiful" I yell at him.

"And you are not" he replies as I laugh. Yup. That's my best friend.

Eventually the media finds me and I do some interviews. They usually come after practice but it was a big deal from us to be sending 10 guys to the Olympics and I was the captain of them all.

"You ready for Patrick to be chirping you" one asks and I smirk.

"Which one" I tease.

"The one in the other teams sweater" they clarify.

"Oh him? I'm not worried about him. I'll send Duncs after him and I won't even have to think about him" I tease.

"How do these Olympics feel compared to the one in 2010" they wonder.

"I'm a lot older. In 2010 I was young and we were in Vancouver so I was pretty comfortable in my surroundings. But that was two cups and four years ago. Hockey is different now than it was then, it's a different team and a totally different place. I can't wait to wear the team Canada sweater and represent my country" I admit.

"Is there any chance we'll catch you in team USA gear come time for the figure skating competition" they wonder and I smirk.

"It might be a team Alexis shirt" I joke. 

"But it would still be team USA" they try.

"Alright then, yes. I will happily wear team USA gear. I would wear anything to support my girlfriend in her endeavors. What she was able to do, what she went through to be where she is now is incredible. You guys don't know half the struggles and strife she has had in order to be that girl on the ice. And you can never tell what she's been through because no one is that good with the hardship she's been though. But let me tell you... she is everything she is in spite of the things happening to her. She's strong and she has perseverance. Even if I wasn't her boyfriend I would still cheer for her, just maybe not in a team USA shirt" I tease.

"If it makes you feel any better she will probably wear your jersey for your games" they joke and I laugh.

"Probably" I question.

"Slight Chance" the man laughs.

We finish up with interviews and it was back to business as usual. While the Olympics are fun, they last for about two weeks and then it's back to trying to win another cup. We still had a great team this year and we were gonna go far. I just hope we can go all the way.

I return home to see Alexis still in one of my shirts watching TV. I smile big as I watch her bite her thumb nail as her eyes were glued to the tv. She only did that when she was nervous about something.

"What's going through that beautiful mind of yours" I ask as I sit down next to her. She smiles super big as I throw my arm around her waist.

"You" she admits with a cute little giggle.

"What about me" I ask.

"That my big strong man is going to be playing for team Canada" she claims and I smile. I almost forgot about that.

"Yeah, that's pretty cool eh" I ask.

"It is. But me being with you isn't a problem... right" she asks carefully.

"Is that what you're so worried about" I ask as she silently nods her head. "Baby, I might love Canada but I love you more. The country has done a lot for me but there's more I would rather be doing with you. No, not everyone is going to like that we're together. But love knows no gender, no color and no country. Love is universal and nothing changes that" I assure her.

"You promise this won't be a problem" she asks and I smile.

"I promise."

My Girl (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now