Todoroki! My hero acadamia (Christmas suprise!)

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"Have a good winter break class see you in two weeks."

Aizawa yawns laying his head on his desk

Everyone is laughing and yelling and talking about their plans for Christmas

So warm and fuzzy in here~

You thought smiling looking at everyone's charismatic attitudes

You liked everyone in here you're just extremely awkward and quiet

You tucked you hair behind your ear

"(Y/n)! Hi!!"

Momo said waving at you she sat next to you

"Hi Yaoyorozoru..!!"

You said happily

"What are you doing for the upcoming holidays?"

She asked

You blushed and fiddled with your fingers

"I'm gonna be family doesn't live here.."

You trailed off and she frowned

"Oh.. I apologize for asking, I can visit you!"

She says and you shake your head

"I don't want to bother you! You don't have you do anything you just saying that made me happier!"

You say she hugs you

"You're so kind (y/n), I'm sorry but I must depart now,"

She bowed and left along with others

You stayed in and quietly started doing your winter break homework

You noticed there was someone else in class with you doing homework


You ask and he turns around surprised

"(Y/n), I didn't notice you.."

He says quietly

You force a smile

Of course you didn't oblivious fuckin dork

You simple go back to doing notes and you hear footsteps

"Would you mind if I sit with you..??"

He asks

You nod smiling

"N-no of course not!"

He took his bag and books and migrated over in front of me

"What are you working on (L/n)?"

He asked

"Call me by my first name please! And I'm working on our drafts Aizawa was talking about,"

He looked flustered and nodded


He said and continued working you tugged at your bottom lip

It's always a habit when your anxious or thinking

"Hey.. um (y/n), you know you tugged at your lip when you're focused?"

You blushed embarrassed

"Oh I was? I didn't notice I was-

"It's cute."

He said and continued to write you bit your lip

It fell silent again

You caught yourself distracted by him

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