cheater Bakugou! my hero academia

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(-> listen to this while reading it sets the mood more )

You woke up to the annoying ringing from your phone

Feeling little strength everywhere you threw your legs over the bed and stood up

Swiping your phone off the nightstand and turning off the alarm


You sighed deeply rubbing your eyes but remembered something

Bakugou's coming back from his internship!! I was with Gunhead but I came back early because he thought I was really good~!

You thought and smiled to yourself already feeling better

Hopefully he'll be happy to see me too..

You thought and started brushing your hair and washing your face

You played music and swayed your hips happily whilst brushing your teeth

Jirou walks in yawning and sees you

"Someone's happy.."

She said almost surprised you stopped and jumped up and spat out the toothpaste

"Y-yeah haha did you need something??"

You asked wiping your mouth

"Yeah where is my thrasher hoodie?"

She said raising an eyebrow

You pointed to the closet

"Look in there?? I wore it because I was fucking f r e e z I n g"

Jirou looked at you her eye twitching out of annoyance


She yelled

You started putting on your uniform buttoning it up

"Shut the fuck up you're making a scene."

You hush her and she growls looking for her hoodie

You pull on your black socks and shoes throwing your backpack over your shoulder

"I'm so glad today is Friday Jirou~! I'm spending today with Bakugou and I'm so FUCKING excited!!"

Jirou felt a lump in her throat and swallowed hard.

She became visibly awkward and uncomfortable really fast

"I-i can't seem to find it.. I'll come back tomorrow to get it.!!"

She got up and started walking out you saw it

"Hey but it's right here-"

You mumbled and watch her leave your room

You knitted your eyebrows together confused and shrugged it off

You pick up your bag and exit the room jogging down the steps excitedly

Skipping into the dorms kitchen you see momo making toast

"Good morning Yaoyoruzu~!"

You say greeting her and she smiles at you and the toast pops out of the toaster

She hands you one and you take it

"Likewise, you seem in a good mood today!"

She says giggling you smile and spread (insert jam or butter, nutella whatever u like lol)

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