Sally face!

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(the cosplay is @ghostspit on Instagram I love the VV much! Their cosplay is Canon as fUCK)

You rolled your eyes and rested your chin and looked outside of the window

We've been on the road for hours why does nockfell have to be so damn far?

"Dad are we there yet??"

You asked groaning stretching your arms out

"Almost sit tight and wait a little longer."

He said annoyed

You sighed and turned your phone on and put music on drifting off to sleep again


Before you knew it you arrived to Addison apartments

You raised an eyebrow

"Seriously? HeRE??"

You asked sarcastically

Your mom furrowed her eyebrows

"You got house money?"

You zipped your mouth shut and started taking your clothes out of the
Moving van

"Go and introduce yourself to the new neighbors we'll get your bed and furniture in."

The men from the moving truck said


You respond putting back your things and walking inside the building

you knock on Mr Addisons door

"Hello there Missy.. have you just moved in..?"

He asked looking at you through the metal slot

"Yeah nice to meet you I'm (Y/n),"

You say waving and he blinks you assume he smiled back

"Likewise, I'm mr Addison if you ever need anything come and ask me!"

He says closing the slot you shrugged

You walked to other apartments meeting the neighbors some cool

Uh.. others fucking creepy with that weird ass pony collection

You pressed the elevator and scowled

"Key card?"

You said out loud when the device demanded for one

"Here, I'll use mine."

You looked up at a boy with shaggy long blue hair

He had a white emotionless mask on and was scrawny

You smiled at his friendly gesture

You both walk in the elevator and he breaks the silence

"I'm guessing you're the one who just moved in?"

He asks tilting his head slightly to the left in curiosity

You blushed a bit he's kinda cute?

"Yeah I'm (y/n) and you are?"

His eyes closed and you assume he smiled because you can't see his face

"Sally, some call me Sally face but you can call me Sal."

He says putting his fist up for you to bump it

You bump it and smile at him tucking your hair behind your ear

"So.. I don't know if this is weird but your mask it's pretty cool!"

Various X chubby fem reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now