Yohan! My deepest secret

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(Find my reference game lol if u find it u get a cookie)

You heard about the recent suicide that happened in your school

It was all too suspicious..

You couldn't get your head wrapped around the fact on how much the case was so odd, it was all too weird not to question

Why would the professor hang himself??

Making your way off of your school campus

"Hey nerd watch it!"

You hear a familiar voice say as you walked right into them rubbing your head

"Ah! Hey Yohan!"

You whine as he was ruffling your hair messily, huffing and crossing your arms

"Whatcha thinkin' about in that pretty little head of yours~?"

He chuckled leaning his arm over your shoulder leaning down to your height

You sighed some biting your lip thoughtfully, looking up at him with an annoyed expression

"Honestly..I was thinking about the Professor."

You mumbled

With a steady sigh he looked at you with thoughtful eyes

"I've been pondering about that too..I spoke to my uncle about it, you remember him?"

he spoke softly a little excitement rang in his deep voice

"The hot one?"

You asked teasingly, pushing his buttons was your favorite thing to do

His face was always so mesmerizing, the confusion in his eyes and how quick his smile turned into a scowl

That was enough to make you burst into angelic laughter

music to the black haired boys ears, which immediately turned into a bright flustered red

Invading your personal space he grabbed both sides of your cheeks pinching them

"(y/n)~!! Stop being a pervert!"

He whined in a childish voice

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! But yeah I know which uncle you're talking about~"

You smiled sweetly at him

He stared at you for a second, holding your cheeks in his hands for a bit not pinching them this time

Those eyes, they're so innocent and bright. Your smile was filled with warmth and happiness it was so contagious

He smiled some, you raised an eyebrow blushing softly

"Yohan..? Is there something on my face or..?"

He shook his hand swiping his hands away when he heard you, as if being knocked out of a trance

"Y-yeah! We should go to this coffee place, it's pretty good I study there sometimes when my little sister's being annoying."

He huffed walking away looking back at you motioning you to walk beside him

I hope I didn't upset him? Little does he know I think he's the most attractive guy there is..

You thought to yourself whilst playing with a strand of hair

He looked back at you stretching his arms out and sighing

"Well, yeah about that case. It's suspicious but seriously, don't worry about it. I have a couple theories about this case and how he was killed, he wasn't killed by a student he assaulted."

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