Levi! attack on titan

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(( Requested by: Mori-Is-My-Bae ))

"wake up, wake up,"

You heard a soft deep voice say

You fluttered your eyes open to see your handsome husband


You say rubbing your eyes smiling sitting up in bed

"Good morning my love~"

He says placing a kiss on your lips

You pull away and get out of bed

"What's on the agenda today?"

You ask going to the closet to put on your uniform

"We're going to be cleaning and training the cadets for the upcoming mission with some abnormal."

He says rolling his eyes putting your tea on your dresser

"I will see you downstairs."

He says grabbing his jacket before heading out

You smile sheepishly and sigh

Such a shame we live in a world so vulgar

I would've loved spending Valentine's day with Levi without stupid interruptions..

You thought buckling the belts on your chest and shoulders

You put on your boots and slip on your jacket taking your wedding ring off setting it next to his

You both always remember that take it off before going out, you would never want to lose it..

It's the most important object you've ever got for each other

You never actually got married with a wedding dress and everything a woman would ever dream of

But in an empty conference room whilst drinking black tea

He pulled out a ring and you did the same

It's the first time you've ever seen him cry

Since that day you've considered each other husband and wife

You walk out locking the door behind you


Hange said waving running up to you

"Hey what's up did Erwin explain anything about our upcoming mission?"

Hange nodded

"It's going to be the most dangerous one we've encountered so far."

She says sighing massaging her temples

You gulped and rubbed your ring finger

"How many estimated casualties will there be?"

You asked

She handed you her notebook

Your eyes widened

"Half of our fucking teams??"

You asked loudly horrified Hange hushed you pressing her pointer finger on your lips

"Be quiet.. they'll hear you."

She said sighing

You rubbed your temples

"Sorry I'm just.."

"Scared? We all are.. don't mention this to the younger cadets okay? You know how they get."

Hange said in a hushed voice still walking by your side

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