Bakugou! my hero academia

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you were walking into UA as any other day you were adjusting your skirt as it was short

you groaned annoyed and continued walking whilst fixing your buttons on your chest

you bumped into a tall person and you fell backwards 

"Watch where you're fucking going dumb ass-"

you stood up on your knees picking up your phone

"S-sorry Baku- Katsuki..!"

you stammer obviously intimidated by him you stand up and put your hand out to help him out

Bakugou raises an eyebrow and smirks standing up by himself

"I don't need your fucking help idiot, you need to watch out or next time I'll fuck you up."

he snarls getting close to your face only inches away 

"Don't you dare ever pity me I can do things myself, you're not worth my time"

he says hissing

your eyes water and become glossy

"Awww now you're crying little girl boo fucking hoo"

you hide the hurt and chuckle and come closer to him

"Sorry your breathe stunk so bad it burned my eyes"

you say smiling confident, you place your pointer finger on your chin thoughtfully

"Also you say i'm not worth your time but you're here right now? You like me don't you?"

you say sarcastically

Bakugous blushes deeply and bites his bottom lip

"Just..Just fuck off..get the hell away from me.."

he growls pushing you away storming off

you cross your arms rolling your eyes, Mina comes by and links her arm with yours

"Bitch why are you still standing here? class starts in like 3 minutes we gotta skidaddle!"

she yelps pointing and you both run off to class


you both made it to class on time

"ssup pikachu, sticky bitch, rocky~!!"

you say pointing finger guns to Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima

they wave at you, you see Bakugo

"oh and you.."

you say jokingly, Bakugo scowls at you

there's an awkard silence

"I NeEd HeAlInG1!!!!!1"

Sero says pretending to choke breaking the silence

you scowl and cross your arms 

"you know I can take your health away too? I wont hesitate BITCH."

you snarl 

he puts his hands up in defeat sweating nervously

you were about to sit down in your seat and Bakugou pulls your chair out

and you fall on your ass accidentally flashing your underwear to him in the process

"Ow.. what the fuck.."

you mumble rubbing the back of your head 


Bakugou blushes deeply and gets down to your level immediately pulling your skirt down


Aizawa snaps and looks at us with his red eyes

"Both of you get out until you get your problems resolved!!"

he said irritated

you slowly get up your knees shaking from the TWO FUCKING FALLS TODAY

Bakugou puts a hand on your waist and helps you out of the classroom

you push him off and stumble back onto the wall balancing yourself

"Get the hell off of me asshole it's your fault I'm crippled.."

you grumble walking away slowly

"Just fucking let me do this one god damn thing for you!!"

he yells and yanks you towards him and picks you up bridal style

"H-hey what the fuck!!??"

you scream he runs outside in the back

he sets you gently on your feet and sets his strong hands on your shoulders

"shut the fuck up and listen to me."

you say before he says anything you take his hands off your shoulders and you lace your fingers with his and push him against the wall

he blushed and scowled waiting for you to talk

"I like you Bakugou Katsuki but you're a real dickhead sometimes,"

he opened his mouth but you put your pointer finger on his lips

"I'm sorry you're uncomfortable by the way, you're cute when you're flustered~"

you say looking up at him giggling he growls and grabs your shoulders and flipping you pushing you against the wall

"I like you too. Tougher than you look the way..I'm sorry for being so mean it's just"

he got closer to your face

"I don't like being vulnerable..having feelings for you would make me soft.."

he says pulling away

you frown and tilt your head

"So..I guess I should go now?? sorry for making you uncomfor-"

he drags his thumb on your lower lip kissing your top lip and carressing your cheek pulling you in more

he bites your bottom lip playfully he pulls away 

"But.. for you I can make an exception idiot.."

he says you pout

his eyes widened 

"MY idiot."

he says correcting himself

you smile and kiss him gently again lacing your fingers with his 

"Let's go to class before Aizawa loses his shit."

you say smiling walking side to side with Bakugou

(yOOOOOOOOOO WHAT'S GUCCI MY BOIS out of nowhere I decided to in a way rewrite the other Bakugo x reader story I made I like this one more hvhjndlfvbjlsdvbijdgbvjhbn well I'm probably going to make a Kaminari or Ojiro bc i love my BOYS, also leave requests or feel free to message me your ideas for stories and I'll most likely consider it broskis!! aLsO we made 100k reads WHAT THE F U CK YOU GUYS HAV NO LIFE READING MY S H I T1!!!1111! jkjk you guys are beautiful fuckers, welp author chan over and out~!)

(yOOOOOOOOOO WHAT'S GUCCI MY BOIS out of nowhere I decided to in a way rewrite the other Bakugo x reader story I made I like this one more hvhjndlfvbjlsdvbijdgbvjhbn well I'm probably going to make a Kaminari or Ojiro bc i love my BOYS, also leave...

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