Authors note+rant

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Hey guys, I know it's been a hot minute since I've updated this book but I've been just so fucking tired and confused. Especially with this quarantine I'm just so tired all the time, I've lost so many things in the past 5 weeks. A romantic relationship and a 7+ year friendship. I don't know what to feel or do? I'm lost and unmotivated, I've been doing homework and sleeping and repeating.
I could write a novel on all I'm feeling, I kind of am too in a way, I'm writing in a diary almost every day since I can't fucking depend on real people to keep a fucking secret or to count on as sad as that sounds.
I'm just kind of going through it lmao, I miss my friends and going out to walk through my colorful little town, and walk through the warm vintage store this sweet old lady owned. I really hope nothing happens to her.
I don't believe in god, I kind of wish I did because then it'd be easier to have hope. And believe in something bigger, but this not the case with me. I don't know what's going on up here it's been hard as fuck. I'm trying to be better and use this time alone to be a good person.
I didn't realize how shit I was till this break, I'm doing so much stupid shit I regret. I just kind of miss myself, like what the fuck happened to me? My creative stupid perverted mind doesn't even want to do what it does best.
So I'm putting this book on pause, feel free to still request with a specific plot if you like I read all of them and put them in my notes. and if I do update the book with a one shot it's probably already written, I have a lot of them I already wrote and just need to proofread. But yeah that's how I've been feeling, sorry if this was too long and one hell of a roller coaster. Thanks for reading and slightly caring about what some random ass teenage girl feels.
So, author chan over and out.

So, author chan over and out

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