oh shit hi

7.7K 69 24

Hey readers! I'm whole heartedly

sorry for never updating you or

writing more stories I'm going to be

blunt I don't know if I will continue

these stories because I lack

motivation and imagination. But I

won't mark this as completed. And I'm

also like embarrassed I make alot of

grammatical errors in these one shots

oops that u for calling me out on these

shits also my hairs pink now and I'm

16 and I can finally dO cRaCk!1!1! Jkjk

but seriously thank you for

supporting these one shots maybe

once in a blue moon I'll write a

chapter but I'll make no promises, feel

free to leave requests with plots

though and I just might do it.

I luv u guys VV much! Author Chan over and out!

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