Uraraka! my hero academia

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(Listen to this gay ol song while reading if u want to hhh)


Mina swooned you scoffed l and looked at her big black eyes

You blushed and rolled your eyes

"Shut up will you? God you're so annoying."

You said angrily grabbing one of her horns yanking her towards you

"I'll paralyze your entire body right now you THOT."

You snarled laughing letting her go, she scowled and shrugged

"I could help you know.."

She said nudging you, you clicked your pen ignoring her

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

Your face flushes and you laugh nervously

"A g-g-girl why would I LiKe A gIrL HAHAHA,"

You stammered nonsense

And Mina points to the door that just opened in class

"Good morning!"

You hear a sweet sung like voice chirp, you turn around and see her

You wanted to melt a liquid gold right there you swooned and admired her

Her cute soft round face, red chubby cheeks

Her big brown eyes and soft chocolate brown hair

Her curvy body and her dainty cherry like lips

Whenever you walk past her in the hallway and feel the slightest brush

Your knees turn into jelly and you sigh and smile like a dork

You rested your hand on your chin smiling ear to ear at her

"Good morning (y/n)! You look so pretty today!"

She says chuckling sitting in her seat two seats away from you

You give her a crooked smile and wave at her


You stammer

You turn back to Mina who's smirking


You start

She grins


You sighed and she hugged you

"I'm bisexual,"

Various X chubby fem reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now