Eyeless Jack! Creepypasta

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(Heavily referencing Yagami yato in this one :))
"Many incidents have been occurring of people being partially devoured by their murderers, organs and such have been violently ripped out of people's bodies and there have been no signs of the cannibal serial killer, lock your doors and hold your loved ones tightly tonight in a blink of an eye they can be gone, I am Anna Banks and we'll come back tomorrow on Fox News goodnight."

This shit sucks

You groaned turning off your small flatscreen tv

You were barley moving into your new apartment when all this shits going down

How fucking dandy

You rub yours eyes tiredly and look at the only things you've put in place

Couch, tv, and your mattress in your room that's on the floor

Everything else is in boxes

You go to lock your doors when one gets violently shoved open


You see a boy with messy brown hair peeking out from behind his hood

His skin was dark and seemingly grey? You couldn't really tell

He covered your mouth and slammed the door with his foot keeping you pinned down

You fought and kicked and tried to scream but nothing helped

He pulled out a small blade from his hoodie and pressed the dull part against your neck

"Shhh.. I'm going to need you to be very..quiet.."

He said in a deep monotone voice

Your chest rose up and down your breathing was faster and you tried to relax

He pressed himself into you more almost laying down on you his chin slightly nuzzling your neck


You stared at your window pane to see red and blue cop lights outside of the apartments

You fell silent just observing his every move, he listened carefully

Not moving even an inch away from you, still having you roughly pinned to the tile floor

Moments pass and the cop cars seem to dim and you hear the sirens go farther

He lets out a sigh of relief and gets off of you locking your front door closing your curtain and dimming the lights

"H-hey what the fuck are you doing? And who the fuck are you??"

You asked and he points his blade at you

"You wouldn't want to wake the neighbors would you? Be quiet before I fucking make you wish you were never born bitch."

He snarls walking up to you in an intimidating way

"I'm going to need you to follow very easy instructions for me okay?"

He says cornering you against the wall

You didn't answer and he moved closer to your face

His breath sending shivers down your neck


You nodded sweating some biting your bottom lip roughly

He pulled his hood back revealing his blue mask with deep black eye sockets filled with ink pouring down them

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