Soul eater evans! Soul eater LEMON

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"Jeez what's your deal? You've been annoying me all day."

Soul groaned putting the pillow over his head in an attempt to ignore you

Sighing you reluctantly pull it off, holding it towards yourself

"It's 12pm soul.."

You said with a sigh scowling at him, glaring at the white haired boy

"Fuck off you're not my meister or mom."

He groaned turning his head to you, his red eyes were bright and pierced through you so effortlessly it made you feel exposed

He knew how you felt at all times, you were an open book to him unfortunately

"Yeah Im your best fucking friend so you better be nice to me."

You retorted pulling the covers off of him,
realizing he only slept in boxers

He was built that's for sure.. and that scar will always haunt you but now that it's healed, and it oddly fits him

You blushed realizing you've been staring too long, so you jumped up and rummaged through his closet

"Don't think I didn't notice you pervert."

He chuckled teasingly scratching his head and stretched his arms up

"I know I'm super hot but not admitting it, is so not cool~"

You ignored him, caught off guard at his sudden change in attitude

Throwing a random t shirt and shorts at him hastily you faced the wall

"Change already will ya? Your tits are out and are making me uncomfortable."

You snorted, he chuckled behind you walking up behind you, he traced his finger on your spine since you were wearing a thin tank top he could feel your curvy body with ease

It made you shiver and jump a bit, you blushed intensely and turned your head slightly to him

"Soul..what're you doing.."

You ask in a hushed voice he felt up your body from behind

"I think I want to start off my afternoon with a nice meal.."

He chuckled pushing you against the wall kissing your exposed back lovingly

"It's not secret I know you like me nerd..ever since we were in the DWMA..I noticed how attentive and hot you were..and it's so not cool you never confessed."

He mumbled kissing the back of your neck touching your soft radiant skin

You blushed intensely growing hot, you rubbed your thighs together

"Was I that obvious?"

You asked in a nervous chuckle biting your bottom lip

He pulled your ass into his hips, right where you could feel his large bulge

"No it fine if I do this~?"

He asked slipping his hands under the fabric of your sweatpants massaging your ass with his rough large hands

He loved your body so much, size never mattered to him, Your personality glowed so much and you're beautiful enough as it is

You let out a low moan not being used to being touched, he knew how to pleasure a woman..and was good with using his hands as he slipped his fingers in your panties

He felt your cunt rubbing you slowly with his middle finger, you were slightly wet since his sudden actions gave you so much butterflies


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