Yandere Kaminari! My hero acadamia

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Art credit to: Casentine on tumblr

(trigger warning)

It's cold..it's warm..


Your eyes slowly opened and the room you were in was extremely dim

The floor was weirdly clean and squeaky..like marble?

You crawled on the floor until you felt a wall

You slowly got up and felt a wooden staircase

It has swirls of carvings, just by feeling it felt luxurious and clean

Attempting to walk up the stairs you just got yanked back by something heavy on your foot

You looked down barley realizing there was a goddamn chain on your foot!!

You fall and sat at the door of the stair case and adjusted your eyes to lighting of the room

It was like a bedroom, books and a rack of clothes

You raised an eyebrow before remembering why you were here


"Sero! Please stop~!"

You laughed as the black haired boy pinned you down

"No mercy!"

He teased still tickling you attacking your tummy and sides

You squirmed in his arms laughing breathlessly

"Beg for your life~!"

He said in a joking manner smiling brightly before you see Kaminari coming up behind him

With a..sinister smile

"Why don't you beg for yours?"

He asks in a gentle low voice taking a fistful of Seros hair and yanking him back kicking him in the chest sending him falling on the grass

"H-hey we were just playing Kami calm down!"

You said getting up grabbing his shoulder and he shoves you back violently sending an electric pulse through you making you slightly paralyzed

"What's gotten into you Denki?!"

Sero yelled getting up going to punch him only get his fist caught mid air

Kaminari's face stayed with the same sinister grin

Silent but sure enough he electrocuted him and didn't stop

All you could do was watch..


You managed to choke out

Bolts were still in his hair and arms and he looked back at you

Your eyes widened

He smiled gently

"I bet you thought I was gonna make that stupid fucking face again huh?"

He chuckled and laughed loudly and he looked at you again wiping tears from laughter

"Hee hee hee? That's what you expect me to say huh? You and everyone think I'm just an idiot, no honey I'm more than that."

He said grinning ear to ear

"Im going to need you do to me a favor."

You shook your head sobbing silently

"P-please n-no.."

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