Himiko Toga soft lemon! My hero acadamia

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It was a slow day at base, you had nothing on schedule.

the peachy morning sunlight seeped through your sheer curtains hitting your face, making your eyes flutter open almost immediately

You were greeted with your girlfriend Himiko Toga, as if she was waiting for you the whole time

Her pupils dilated like a cat when it was ready to play, she grinned happily when she saw her favorite person wake up

Immediately she pounced into your arms snuggling into your arms and shoving her face between your clothed breasts humming happily

Feeling her soft buttery skin against yours was comforting, your legs intertwined and innocently rubbing up together you let out a soft laugh

You ran your fingers through her silky blonde locks watching your adorable girlfriend with half lidded eyes, you finally parted your lips to speak

"Goodmorning doll..were you watching me sleep? You know you could have woken me up."

You spoke out in your deep morning voice smiling at her, she smelled like vanilla she must've been fresh out of the shower. You caressed her coated shea butter thighs, god she was so soft

"Yeah I was..you just looked so pretty I didn't want to disturb you bubs.."

Toga pouted looking up at you finally face to face with you, her big golden eyes gazed into yours with such admiration

It was adorable how smitten she was, it was love

You sat up slowly keeping her in your arms, she pushed your hair out of your eyes. Combing her slender fingers through your (h/c) locks

Toga pressed a kiss to your soft lips Intertwining her lips with yours, she snuggled into your lap. Rolling her hips against yours subtly

Smirking into the seemingly innocent kiss she clearly wanted more, you pulled away slowly tilting your head

"Last night wasn't enough? I just got up baby you can't be getting me worked up~"

You cooed pinching her chubby now reddened cheeks, she whined wiggling her hips against you bouncing up and down

"I'm sorry..! It's just the guys aren't here I just thought we could do it without having to be quiet, you're just so hot how could I not want you!!"

She whined out needily, it was cute watching her wiggle and get all heated up just by waiting. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Yeah? C'mere doll."

You chuckled

She squeaked out when you wiggled off her panties, she would always try to top but it always ended up with you between her thighs

She looked down at you with a flustered expression you smirked deviously at the blonde

discarding her bottoms kissing her inner thighs. Happily laying between her thighs looking up at her with such half lidded eyes

You didn't bother to waste time and spread her pussy with your thumbs pushing your tongue inside of her, licking and tasting attentively

You could never get tired of her taste, scent and all of her in general. She was addicting and tasted heavenly

Her chest rose and fell rapidly fighting the urge to squeeze her thighs against your head gripping your hair, her breathing grew heavier and soon angelic moans spilled from her cherry like lips

Rolling her hips against you she pulled your hair, pushing your devouring mouth into her dripping sex more you groaned out into her looking up at her hazily

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