Mina! my hero academia

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( Before we start!!!! I'm basing this one off the uraraka one, where she asks you who you like and it's Mina instead of Uraraka, also you're wayy more dom in this fic, and this was requested by: Gore_png
And listen to this song I recommend :))

You got sat up from your slumber and slam your alarm clock silent

You rub your tired eyes and yawn obnoxiously loud and stretching your arms out

Greeting the morning sun outside of your window

Swinging your legs off your bed you started getting dressed

You caught a glimpse of your reflection in your body mirror

You rolled your eyes annoyed like every day

You pointed at your mirror

"You may be chubby, but you cute and strong."

You huffed and pulled on your shoes and got your backpack heading out


You walked into class and instantly locked eyes with Mina

Oh golly geez..

She started running up to you

Her big black eyes with that golden iris always captivated you

Her smile was always sort of subtle and perfect

You never knew how wonderful her smile could make you feel

She almost tackled you throwing her arms around neck

"I missed youuuuu~!!"

She whined rubbing her cheek against yours

You blushed intenseley wanting to melt right then and there

Fuck she's so adorable..

You thought hugging her back giggling

She smells like..Citrus?..And lemon grass

she pulled away and took your hand sitting down with you at your desk

she yawned stretching her arms out and resting her head on your shoulder

"i'm so sleepy..i barley ever get sleep.."

you chuckled ruffling her light pink hair

"what time did you sleep last night?"

you asked and she held up 3 fingers

"3am?? jesus you're so stupid!"

you laughed and she stood up tickling you

"sshhhhut uup~!!"

she groaned and you see Uraraka walk in

yeah she's really pretty but not as pretty as Mina to be honest..

you made eye contact with her and you got awkward so you blushed and chuckled when you saw her

"Morning Uraraka!"

you say shyly

"Morning (y/n) you look cute today~!"

you smiled tucking you hair behind your ear blushing that someone complimented you

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