Chapter 6 - May I?

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Todoroki's POV:

What's that irritating noise and where is it coming from..? I thought tiredly being slightly annoyed about some loud beeping, disrupting my sleep. I sat up in the bed and listened for it, that's my morning alarm...  I reached out towards the sound but didn't get a hold of anything but air. My hand soon found its way to the bedside table where my phone usually is, charging for the next day. I searched the table, but my phone wasn't there. 

"What the..." I muttered as I furrowed my brows, it was supposed to be right there, but it isn't. Where did I put it instead..? I thought as carefully swung my legs over the edge of the bed, standing up and slowly moving in the direction of the beeping. I then accidentally kicked my pinky toe into something hard as my eyes widened and pain shut through my toe. 

"Son of a..!" I hissed and jumped on one foot, holding my injured foot in my hand. The beeping only got louder and louder for every third second passing by, it'll wake up the rest of the floor if I don't find it and turn it off soon. I then placed my foot back onto the floor and looked around in the dark void. 

You're pathetic Shouto, can't even find and turn off an alarm. I heard my thoughts in my father's voice as I clenched a fist, knowing it was true. The beeping was then interrupted by two careful knocks on my door, great, here it comes... I woke up Sato and Sero. I carefully walked towards the door, stepping carefully with my injured foot. 

"Apologies for the noise, I can't find my phone." I said monotonously as I opened the door. A small, nervous giggle was then heard as the person walked past me into my room. I turned and listened as the alarm was turned off and I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Goodmorning Todoroki," Midoriya's sweet voice greeted me as I could feel my heart hammering happily against my chest. I then heard him walk back towards me, "don't apologize, there wasn't much you could do about it..." Midoriya giggled from very close nearby, I think he's standing right in front of me, but I'm not sure.

"Goodmorning Midoriya..." I said and couldn't help my lips from curling up into a small smile. He didn't say anything but I could feel that his gaze was upon me.

"We have to go to class soon, so l-let's get you dressed..." He then stuttered as I realized why he was so quiet and I felt a bit of heat rise to my cheeks. I'm only wearing boxers right now, nothing else, meaning I'm almost naked. 

"R-Right... Sorry about that Midoriya..." I said as he took my hand and lead me safely into my room as I heard him close the door behind us. He then brought me my pants and helped me to make sure they were turned the right way as I then put them on. 

"D-Don't worry about it Todo..." He said as I stopped moving and turned my head towards him with surprise. ... Todo..? I heard him stop walking as well, "is something wrong..?" he asked concerned as I then felt his hand on my forearm. 

"Nothing's wrong, I was just surprised by the nickname... That's all." I said and smiled calmly down at him. 

"Nickname? W-What..?" He asked and thought for a moment. His hand was then quickly yanked away from my arm, "I-I'm sorry..! It just slipped out so naturally, I didn't even notice..!" He apologized as I grabbed onto his hand and pulled him in for a hug, silencing him. 

"I like it. It sounds pretty good coming from your lips." I said calmly as I could almost feel his embarrassment as I moved my hand up, tangling it into his green, curly hair. 

"T-Todoroki..? W-What are you doing..?" Midoriya stuttered as he noticeably tensed a bit in my arms.

"I was just trying to calm you a bit," I said as I suddenly began to feel uncertain about me doing this, "do you want me to stop?" I asked and was already pulling my hand away and was about to let go of him when he suddenly grabbed the hand entangled in his hair, making sure it stayed there. He didn't say anything, but his hand holding mine entangled in his soft, curly hair was enough of an answer for me. 

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