Chapter 13 - I Want You

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~The next morning ~

Midoriya's POV:

I feel so safe and warm inside, like nothing bad will ever happen again... I thought as I slowly opened my eyes to gazed out into Todoroki's room. The sun was already up, a sign that we should probably start to get ready for school soon.

I then slowly turned my head and looked behind me to see Todoroki's peaceful, sleeping face. Todoroki had his left arm placed so I could use it as a pillow and his right arm around my waist, making sure that I was as close as possible. I rubbed my head gently against his arm, hoping to wake up in a gentle way, but nothing happened.

"Todo... Wake up," I whispered calmly and slowly began turning myself towards him, but as soon as I began moving he tightened his hold around my waist. I gently placed my hand on his right arm and turned to him completely, "we gotta get up and get ready for school..." I sighed, knowing that in reality, I wish we could just stay here, even if just for today, that's the only thing I wanna do. 

Todoroki then groaned tiredly and just moved his face into the crook of my neck, snuggling even closer to me than he already was. I couldn't help myself from blushing a bit from his child-like behavior. We've slept in the same bed many times before since I first became his guide, but tonight had been different. 

The last couple of days has been hard for both of us, I understand that now. The whole time I had felt sorry for myself because Todoroki didn't want me anymore, but that wasn't the truth. He does still want me, his feelings never changed, but Endeavor had forced this new guide on him and she will pay dearly for what she did to him. 

I realized how much I was sounding like Kacchan right now, but I won't forgive her. I won't forgive Endeavor either. Ever since I was at The Todoroki Household and met Endeavor I began to dislike him. The way he acted and talked to his own children... And now this. He has crossed a line that should never be crossed and I won't accept it. 

I then realized that I had subconsciously moved my right hand up behind Todoroki's head and had pulled his face even closer into my neck. I realized it because he loosened his hold around my waist to place his hand on mine instead. 

"Izuku? What's the matter?" Todoroki asked as I released his head and he pulled his face away just slightly, his eyes closed. My gaze landed on the burn around his left eye as I moved my right hand up and cupped his cheek, running my thumb gently along the edges of his mark. 

"I was just thinking..." I said as Todoroki gently pushed his face into my hand, much like a cat would do. "Does your scar ever hurt..?" I then asked as Todoroki's eyebrows pulled together, indicating that he was a little confused by my question, but he soon regained his calm expression.

"Not anymore no, it used to hurt when I was younger whenever it was exposed to warmth. A bad mix for my fire quirk..." Todoroki said the last part with a bit of irony and smiled at me. I couldn't help a small laugh from escaping even though it wasn't something to laugh about. 

"Was that really what you were thinking about?" Todoroki then asked as he opened his eyes, and I think he just did that so I could look into them, but I was thankful for it cause I really love his eyes. I was about to answer when I noticed something different though and it was obvious Todoroki did too as his eyebrows shot up in surprise. 

"I-Is the light turned on in here..?" Todoroki asked hesitantly as moved to sit up as he looked around in his room ending up looking towards the window. I slowly sat up as well and looked confused at him. 

"No, it isn't, but the sun is shining through your curtains." I said as Todoroki slowly turned his head and his gaze landed on me. His eyes were still clouded over, but it wasn't as much as usual. I instinctively moved closer and once again placed my hand on his cheek, holding his face still so I could inspect his eyes. 

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