Chapter 12 - Control

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Todoroki's POV:

This day just won't seem to end, no matter what I want to do, Leiko is right there hanging onto my arm to stop me and control me. Literally, control me, she tells me what I want to do, where I want to do it and when I want to do it. She's almost as controlling as my father, that's probably why he hired her of all people. 

"Class dismissed..." Mr. Aizawa said with his usual tired voice as everyone began gathering their things and head back to the dorms. I had this weird feeling as if someone was watching me, but I couldn't define if it were friendly or not. 'We'll be watching'... Leiko's word echoed through my head as I clenched my fists slightly and furrowed my brows. 

"Come on," Leiko's loud, careless voice suddenly erupted beside me as she grabbed my arm even tighter than usual, "Let's go to your room Todoroki..!" She then said with a sugar-sweet voice that didn't suit her personality at all. Why does she want to go to my room..? I thought as she then laid her head on my shoulder. I was about to scold her and push her off me, ready to accept the consequences for doing so, but then heard someone quickly running out of the classroom. 

Leiko then loosened her hold on me as I gave her a questioning look, she just chucked as she then pulled me after her. What the hell was that about? I thought and pulled away from her completely, sending her the best glare I could muster.

"What was that?" I asked monotonously and took another step back as she continued to chuckle for a little longer before pulling herself together. 

"I did that for your sake, the greenie was looking at you with such sad and longing eyes..." Leiko pouted, but her voice told me just how satisfied she was, "I feared that he might just have come over to you if I hadn't stepped in, and you know what would happen if Endeavor hears that you were with him again..." Leiko said as I immediately realized that the eyes I had felt on me before only could've belonged to Midoriya and the footsteps just now must've been him too. 

I haven't talked with Midoriya since we both were in the infirmary and even though I'm still a little angry with him, I can't help but continue to worry about his injuries and how bad they are. I heard that he had to go to the infirmary to get them healed some more yesterday evening, but I had already left to visit my family at that time. 

"So what, am I supposed to thank you now?" I asked impatiently and waited for her to do something to guide me to the dorms. Leiko just chuckled a little again as I felt her grab my arm, not as violent as usual though. 

"You know, we don't have to act like this towards each other Todoroki... I don't want you to thank me no, I'm just trying to watch out for you. Both of you." Leiko said and for once she didn't sound arrogant nor bossy as she talked and she wasn't pulling on me as much as she had been all day but just walked calmly with me. 

"... Why do I have a hard time believing that..?" I sighed as the cold winter air suddenly hit my face, messing my hair up in the process. Leiko then stopped walking as she pulled a bit on my arm to make me lower myself. I just did as she wanted, not wanting her to go to my dad, as she then fixed my hair as best she could. 

"I don't know why you act so skeptical and annoyed around me... I'm doing my best to be a good guide and so far you haven't missed a single class, haven't walked into anything, haven't been distracted..." Leiko said as she stepped to the side again, starting to walk as I was forced to follow her. Did I misjudge her..? I thought and for a moment actually felt sorry for her and the way I've been acting towards her. She's only here cause the number two hero forced her to, not because she wants to... 

We walked in silence the rest of the way to the dorms and when we arrived she just clung a bit to me again and let me straight to the elevator. Normally I stop and hang out a bit on the first floor the rest of my classmates, just trying to relax and listen to them, but today Leiko was my guide and she had asked to go straight to my room for some reason. Therefore we silently entered the elevator and rode it up to the fifth floor. 

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