Chapter 11 - The Broken Toy

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~ The next day ~

Todoroki's POV:

It's been a couple of weeks since I got my results at the hospital after the villain attack and it's been two days since I sent Midoriya away. Yesterday my father had summoned me at home as he had caught wind of what had happened with me and my quirk. Of course, he was furious and insulted me of being too weak, again, but I hadn't disagreed with him at the time. 

~ Flashback ~ 

"It's as if you're becoming weaker and weaker for every day that passes by ever since that pathetic green-haired slave of yours came into your life." My father spat as I could hear his footsteps pacing back and forth as I was seated on the couch with my older sister holding my hand beside me.

"He's not my slave..." I say with a low annoyed tone, not wanting to be here and especially not to hear him talk like that about Midoriya. I then felt Fuyumi gently tightening her hold on my hand to stop me before I'd do anything stupid. I nodded my head once at her and gave her a thankful smile as I then took a deep breath before turning my head towards my father again. 

"He's my guide." I stated in a calm and collected manner as I kept my usual monotone look on my face. I heard his footsteps stop as I said that as I could feel his glare on me, but my expression didn't change. 

"... Not anymore." My father said as I tensed up a bit and opened my eyes to glare in his direction, though the dark void was still the only thing awaiting me as usual. I could hear his self-satisfaction through his voice, could almost see his victorious smirk as he spoke again. 

"That boy isn't educated to be a guide, he has no experience or anything else that would make it acceptable for him to guide a Todoroki! From tomorrow on you'll get a new guide who I'll choose for you, someone worthy to serve this family! Someone who won't deceive your mind and give you impure thoughts like that little scum does." He continued as he almost sounded proud of himself and his idea, sadly for him, it'll remain an idea.

"Not a chance, you're not the boss of me." I say as I feel the anger inside of me beginning to grow faster than ever before, "Midoriya and I aren't on good terms right now, but that doesn't give you the right to swoop in and try to take control of me again. THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!" I yell, losing my composure for a moment as I feel my hands shaking with pure anger. 

"I have separated myself from you and I'm no longer under your control. You'll never control me again. Midoriya will continue to be my guide as soon as things settle down a bit, I don't want anyone else than Midoriya." I say with calm determination and I contain my anger this time to the best of my abilities. I feel Fuyumi tensing up a bit beside me as my father's footsteps quickly approach me. 

"... If I ever see you with him again, I won't promise for the consequences... And I'm not necessarily talking about you Shouto." He said as I couldn't believe my own ears.

"Do you dare threaten Midoriya..!?" I said as I almost growled the words out, feeling my protectiveness grow in me and I glare even harder in his direction. 

"I won't allow these gay thoughts of yours to continue any longer! The son of Endeavor can't be gay, think of the bad image it'll give the entire Todoroki family! I WON'T ALLOW IT SO THINK CAREFULLY THE NEXT TIME YOU SEE HIM!" I widened my eyes a bit as I wasn't able to hold the glare any longer when he continued, "Or, should I even say 'see'? You're not able to, and that'll hopefully make this so much easier--" Before he could finish speaking the loud noise of his phone ringing interrupted us. Fuyumi quickly stood up and pulled on my arm for me to follow her as father went in the other direction. I was in pure shock as my feet just let me being pulled along with her into my room as she slammed the door shut behind us. 

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