Chapter 19 - Game Over

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Midoriya's POV:

"... Endeavor thinks you should stay still for a bit..." She said as I suddenly found myself unable to move. It's exactly as Todoroki had described it, her quirk is amazing and she could be a great hero if she wanted to. I just wish she wouldn't use her quirk like this, but her actions suit her personality quite well. 

"... Leiko." Todoroki said with a quiet growl, he was still standing in front of me, blocking most of my view. His expression was twisted with pure anger and hate, but he didn't do anything. Maybe her quirk was effecting him too? I thought as I tried to calm myself a bit. 

I had panicked as soon as we entered, not following the plan in any way, but I hadn't even thought of the possibility of running into her here. It never crossed my mind and I hate myself for not even giving it the slightest of thought. 

I had hoped to leave with Todoroki before he could realize that she was here, before memories of that night could come back to haunt him. I just wanted to get us out of here, but I've gotten us stuck instead... Quite literally. 

"Nice of you to show up, I've been expecting you. I wasn't expecting you to come here now, but done is done. I trust you remember your guide?" Endeavor said, clearly talking to Todoroki as he didn't even spare me a glance. 

"What is she doing here..?" Todoroki growled out with pure hatred, his previous monotone and collected aura shattered into nothingness. 

"I did hire her to guide you, naturally, that means she had a pay to pick up. I'll have to find someone else for you, Shouto, don't you worry." Endeavor said with a small smirk as he walked closer to us, Leiko following close behind him with an equal smirk on her lips as she waved her money in front of her like a fan. 

Leiko's gaze then met mine as we looked at each other for a short moment, without saying anything. Her gaze was as cold and uncaring as it was the first time I met her, not at all like the Leiko that had confessed with guilt that night. 

"Make them stop, I won't watch this unacceptable scene any longer." Endeavor commanded as Leiko's smirk grew a bit as she pointed at me. 

"With pleasure, step away from Endeavors son." She ordered as my head began to feel dizzy. My body then suddenly started moving again as I unwillingly tore my hands away from Todoroki's and took a few steps to the right, creating distance between us. 

"Midoriya..!?" Todoroki asked as he couldn't see my silhouette nor feel my warmth anymore. I tried my best to look at him, but I was once again frozen in place, unable to turn my head. 

"I'm here..." I said quietly, focusing my gaze on Endeavor. What is he planning? I thought and tried to come up with something, anything, that he could do to us. 

"That was better, thank you Leiko. Keep it like this." Endeavor said as he looked down on Todoroki. His office was enormous and very minimalistic with only Endeavors desk inside, but besides that, there was nothing in here. 

"Why are you doing this? This isn't necessary, Endeavor, sir." I asked as politely as I could, but I couldn't deny the rage that was building up within me for every second that passed like this, but I didn't show it, not yet at least. Endeavor turned his glare to me as he stood up a little straighter. 

"Because I can't have you interrupting my conversation with Shouto yet, that's why. I've watched you long enough to know you can't keep your hands off of my son, but I've warned you both what would happen if you continued this homosexual shit." Endeavor explained as he then turned back to Todoroki, completely uninterested in me once again. 

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