Chapter 10 - Two Reasons

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Midoriya's POV: 

"Deku!" I heard Uraraka call for me as I stopped walking and turned to look at the direction her voice had come from. "Wait up!" She said with a smile as she and Iida waved at me. I waved back and smiled at them, waiting for them to catch up to me. 

"Did you enjoy our last class Midoriya?" Iida asked as they caught up and all three of us continued to walk down the hallway together. I nodded excitedly in response to Iida's question as I smiled happily.

"Yeah! Midnight's teaching methods can be a bit strange sometimes, but I really enjoyed this class!" I said excitedly and smiled even more as Iida and Uraraka laughed a bit, but nodding in agreement. We continued to walk together when Uraraka suddenly pulled on my right arm, as all three of us stopped walking. 

I turned my head to look at her to see her usual smiling, bubbly face with absolutely no expression. I gave her a questioning look, wanting to know why we had stopped walking. 

"Uraraka..?" I asked and uncomfortably, yet gently, pulled out of her grasp on my arm as I took a step back. She didn't try to grab my arm again, nor did her expression change. I looked at Iida to get some help as to what to now about her weird behavior, but he wore the exact expression she did. They almost like like they're under Shinso's brainwashing... I thought to myself as I hesitantly waved a hand in front of Iida's eyes. 

"... Hey, what's wrong with you guys?!" I asked, beginning to panic a bit inside and not having a clue as to what I should do to help them. I looked past them to see if anyone was there that I could call out to for help, but in the span of seconds, the hallway had been completely emptied. I quickly spun around to look behind me, getting ready to just call for help and hope that someone would hear me, but someone was there. 

"Todoroki!" I exclaimed relieved as I looked into his dual colored eyes, one grey, and the other a mesmerizing turquoise. He was standing just a couple of meters in front of me and was the only other person in the hallway than us. "Uraraka and Iida are acting really strange..! I don't know what happened or what to do, but I think it would be best if you stay here with them and make sure that they're okay-- What am I even saying, I don't even know if they're okay right now..!" I said with a panicked voice as I turned to check on Uraraka and Iida, "Are you guys o--??" I started but stopped talking as soon as I realized that there was no one there anymore. 

I turned around myself a couple of times, searching for them, but it was as if they had disappeared into thin air. I turned back to see that Todoroki was luckily still here with me, as he hasn't moved an inch from where he had been standing the entire time. 

"Where'd they go?" I asked and walked up so I stood right in front of Todoroki, looking into his eyes and hoping that he saw. Todoroki's facial expression changed however to a disgusted, angry and painful one as soon as I had come near him.

"... What's the matter?" I asked and looked confused at him. He remained silent as he glared coldly into my eyes. Is something wrong? I slowly raised my right hand to cup his cheek, but before my hand could make contact with his skin he took a step back, avoiding my touch. I couldn't help a sad frown from forming on my face as I looked questioningly at him. 

"Why did you move away..?" I asked as his cold glare had only grown even colder and I felt that I wasn't able to take much more of this sudden silent treatment, "Why aren't you answering me..?!" I asked frustrated as I clenched my hands into fists. 

"What is there to say?" Todoroki asked monotonously as he took a step closer, making great use of our height difference to look down on me. I hesitantly looked up at him to meet his intimidating glare. Why is he so angry..? I thought to myself with a gulp, it's not that I'm scared of him or anything like that, I just don't want him to be mad at me... 

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