Chapter 16 - Ai

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~ Time skip - 3 days ~ 

Midoriya's POV:

It's been three days now since Todoroki and I were attacked by the snipers, Recovery Girl had finally returned to UA yesterday and had healed my hands. As much as she could that is. 

'I'm not able to completely heal you as the injury happened days ago. If I try to heal it more than I already have, it could result in making it worse than it was before... However, you won't be in any pain anymore and you can now attend classes normally again and resume your guide-thing.'

I still remember each and every word she told me after healing me. She was right, I can't feel any pain in my hands anymore. It's almost a little strange as I had almost become used to it, and now I feel completely fine... I thought as I sighed and looked down on my palms, both had a small x-formed scar in the middle where the bullets had entered. Two new scars to my collection huh... I thought and couldn't help but to smile a bit. 

Scars were nothing new to me, not at all, but I regret none of them. Each and every scar I have on my body resembles somebody I've saved or is a reminder to my future self. I regret none of these scars! I thought as an image of Todoroki's smiling face popped up in my mind, causing me to smile even more. 

Todoroki has been by my side 24/7 for the past three days, never letting me out of his reach and constantly making sure I was doing okay. Each and every time my hands would've stung me, he had been there immediately to comfort me and just hold me close to him. 

I would wake up multiple times in the night from nightmares and the pain would always be waiting for me as soon as I would open my eyes, without fail, but so was Todoroki. I'd cuddle close to him and he would gently rub my back and whisper soothing words to me. 

Right now I'm in Todoroki's room doing homework with him. I'm reading out whatever we have to do and then we'll solve it together and I'll write it down for both of us. Todoroki didn't know at first when I started helping him with his homework, but I've been taking notes for both of us and writing them down in his books as well as my own. 

He's told me a million times now that I don't need to do that and that it's just extra work for me, but I want to, even though he can't read it yet, he'll be able to soon. 

Todoroki's sight is improving more and more for each day that passes, we don't know why, but it's a good thing so we're just focusing on that. He says that he can just barely see silhouettes now and that is a big step forward. 

I looked over at Todoroki, he was sitting on the bed with his back leaned against the wall and earphones plugged in. He had a small, content smile on his lips and his gaze just stared calmly up at the ceiling. 

I'm glad he seems to be doing better as well... I thought and then thought back a couple of days to when I had just returned from the infirmary. Todoroki really is amazing, he had been acting all calm and normal for the entire day and no one thought anything was up. He had even managed to trick me for a little while, but I knew something was wrong but decided to wait until we were alone to ask him about it. 

I didn't ever get to ask him about it though. As soon as we entered his room that day and he closed the door after me, the facade had fallen. He was anything but calm. I'd never seen him so infuriated before, he was practically burning with pure rage. I had luckily managed to calm him down that day before anything dangerous could've happened.

It was his hatred for his father that had shown itself once again, the first time I witnessed that hatred was at the sports festival and based from that outburst he had a couple of days ago, I doubt that I've seen it for the last time. 

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