"What the..." I was severely shook.

"It's true, Roger." Dad replied. "We didn't mean to hide it from you, but..."

"You have a twin brother." Mom continued.

Okay, this day just gets weirder and weirder.

"I...have a twin brother?!?" I asked. "Where is he then?"

"We...we lost him..." mom replied with tears in her eyes. But this time, they're tears of sadness.

"Oh dear..." I was shocked. "He- he died?"

"No." Dad continued. "Someone... someone stole him from us..."

"We lost our darling..." mom cried as dad comforted her.

I stopped for a while, then I broke down and cried.

I may not know who he is, but I understand how depressed my parents are. They have to stay strong after the apparent loss of their other child. I feel them...

"I understand, and I don't blame the two of you for not telling me about it..." I said, hugging the both of them.

"We're very sorry, Roger..." mom said as she hugged back.

"Thank you for understanding us..." dad hugged back as well. "We haven't even got to name your brother yet... And we could barely remember what he looked like..."

"I know, I understand." I replied as I let go. "So... I decided to stay here for a few days while I investigate the case. Are you guys okay with it?"

"Aye, no problem, son!" Dad replied.

"Yeah," Mom continued. "Well you are our son!"

"Say... Do you, well... have a girlfriend yet?" Dad asked suddenly.

"Hunter darling!" Mom warned as she smacked dad gently on his back.

"Well, yeah..." I replied, blushing.

"Aww, who is she- and what'd she look like?" Mom asked.

"She's a colleague of mine. A royal scientist. A beautiful vixen~" I replied. "She's Dr. Vixana Curie Fox, And she's a total darling~"

"Aye, that's my boy!" Once again, dad gave me a little pat on my back as he said with pride. "Always ready to make us proud!"

"Gee, thanks, dad..." I replied as I entered the house and close the door.

Mom had just made lunch. The three of us sat down and enjoyed the delicious meal.

It's been some time since I tasted my mom's cooking. It feels my heart with immense warmth and happiness, and also my mom's love of course.

I decided to start the investigation the next day. For now, I wanna enjoy every precious moment with my parents.

[COMPLETED]- Hawkodile And Eagleator- The Search For A Long Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now