
Every voice heard in the forest was covered up by our loud and thunderous shriek. We were flying as fast as our little wings could carry us.

Yeah, seriously, our wings are extremely tiny. But, somehow, we are able to fly at both normal and high speed without difficulty.


"HOW'D I KNOWWWWWWW?!?!?" Eagleator replied as he panicked.

We're not flying fast enough, as the chameleon quickly caught up with us.

It's useless. Both Eagleator and I are not even as big as it's stomach.

Not long after, the horrid creature gobbled us whole. Well, thank goodness for that, or else we must survive its razor sharp teeth- we most likely wouldn't.

I was calm as I thought of a way to escape- but Eagleator kept panicking.

"We're doomed we're doomed we're DOOMED, bro!" Eagleator walked around me as he said. "How'd we survive this!"

"Keep calm, bro..." I comforted him. "I'm sure we'd find a way out- I'm sure we could do this."

"But HOW?!?" Eagleator asked. "Like it'll just spit us out or something..."

"Wait-" I said. "THAT'S IT!!!"

"Huh?" Eagleator was confused. "What's it?"

"Come with me, I have a plan!" I said, dragging Eagleator by the arm and flying him to the creature's throat.

"What now?" Eagleator asked.

"We block its oesophagus like this-" I said as I demonstrated. "Then it'll choke..."

"And we can escape!" Eagleator got it. "That's genius of you, bro!"

"Oh it's nothing..." I replied. "Come on, let's do this!"

"Okay!" Eagleator replied confidently as we stretched ourself far enough to block the oxygen from entering the massive beast.

Suddenly, the beast stopped. It started to cough. A few moments later, it threw us up as we flew away- my plan really worked!

"Aw yeah, bro!" Eagleator cheered as we gave each other a high five. "We did it!!! Your plan worked perfectly!"

"Yeah, thanks!" I replied. "I couldn't have done it without you though, bro. We make a great team!"

"Yeah." Eagleator replied with a smile. "We really do. I never regretted meeting you, Hawkodile."

"Me too, Eagleator." I replied him with a smile. "Bros forever?"

I put out a fist. Eagleator looked at me and replied.

"Bros forever."

We gave each other a fist bump and laughed a little. Eagleator's the best bro I could ever have!

I chatted with Eagleator for a while as we flew down to take a short bath. Man, that creature has such a bad breath!

"Phew!" Eagleator sighed as we put our clothes back on. "At least we smelled better..."

"Yeah!" I replied.

We were about to continue our search for Lil' Joy, but a strange shadow caught our eye.

It was a hooded person, and it seems to have a bushy grey tail. We followed them secretly from behind, not wanting them to see us.

Well, unfortunately, we failed.

"OH MY FLUTTERING FEATHERS!!!" I exclaimed as we were both tied up by the person, who revealed themselves to be-

...a female wolf.

"Oh boy~" Eagleator was flattered. "And who might you be?"

To our own surprise, the wolf replied with the most unexpected answer...

"The name's Joy."

[COMPLETED]- Hawkodile And Eagleator- The Search For A Long Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now