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"Breaking news! Lil' Joy is finally found after more than a decade, and everybody could finally give a sigh of relief- including me, of course! Phew! And it's all thanks to Hawkodile and Eagleator! So, what motivated the both of you to find the kiddo, and how exactly did you two do it?"

"Well, it's a looooooooong story, Miss Cottontail. Let us start with-"

"Wow, the both of you really did it, huh?" asked Princess Unikitty, taking a sip of coke from her cup.

"Yup! We really did it!" I replied. "That kiddo is a tough one! It took more than a decade do finally find her."

"Yeah," Unikitty replied. "And you two did a great job!"

"Thanks, Princess." thanked Eagleator and I.

"No problemo!" Said Unikitty, taking another sip of coke.

"Hey Hawky," my Fox Girl called me. "You said that you've met a new friend during the search. Who is she?"

"Oh yeah!" I suddenly remembered. "Welp, come in, Joy!"

Joy opened the castle's doors with a rather nervous look as everybody looked at her, astonished.

Brock was the happiest though, for reasons only he knows- probably.

"H-Hi, everybody!" Joy introduced herself. "I'm Joy Eihowlor. It's nice to meet all of you!"

"Hi, Joy!" Everybody greeted her welcomingly.

"Oh goody!" Unikitty shrieked. "I'm Kitty Joy Uniton. Call me Unikitty, new friend! YAY!!!!!"

"Oh gee!" Puppycorn exclaimed, wagging his little round tail. "I have a new friend to play with! I'm Kaydn Paul Uniton by the way- call me Puppycorn- everybody does!"

"Awesome!" my Fox Girl exclaimed. "I am Dr. Vixana Curie Fox- and I really must show you around my lab!"

"Cool." 'exclaimed' Richard. "I'm Richard Dimwold Gray. I'll show you around the castle."

"Oh that's nice." 'exclaimed' Elodea. "I am Rachel Elodea Dullson. Nice to meet you."

"Great!" Master Frown exclaimed. "I'm Michael Elliot Frown- call me Master Frown. Well, it's always nice to meet new friends!"

"Oh gosh~" Brock was kinda swooning over her. "What a beauty~"

"Brock, you okay?" Master Frown asked him, looking rather concerned.

"I'm totally fine, dude~" Brock replied as heart shaped sparkle matter started appearing on his head.

"Oh dear." Master Frown murmured. "Well, forgive my best friend, Brock Dimothy Brickstone- he's not quite himself today."

"I see- well, thanks everybody!" Joy exclaimed. "It really is nice to meet all of you! You're such great people!"

"Thanks, Joy!" Unikitty replied. "So you're Lil' Joy?"

Joy gave Eagleator and I with a speechless look.

"Well..." Eagleator said. "We'll explain about it a little later..."

"So, we'll be staying here for a few days, before we return to Flightsville." said Joy.

"Oh goody- WE?!?" Unikitty said with a puzzled look.

"Come on in!" Joy called as the Feathersons and my parents came in.

"Hi, everybody!" greeted the four of them as everybody chatted happily.

Joy and I looked at them as we smiled.

"So you really decided to move in and live with my parents?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I longed for a family- and I'm sure they'll miss the both of you once we returned to Flightsville. So, decided to keep them company, as they keep me company."

"Thank you, Joy." I thanked her. "You're the best."

"Oh it's nothing, really..." She replied. "And I see that your parents really likes your girlfriend!"

"Oh," I turned and looked at my parents, who were chatting happily with my Fox Girl at the moment. Dad saw me and gave me a wink.

"They really do." I replied as I winked back. "They really do..."

Well, we accomplished the impossible that day. We found a long lost child, my long lost twin brother and I found each other, and my parents were reunited with their long lost son.

And all three of them, happened to be the same person all along...

The End-
Nah jk XD

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