Eagleator and I flew into the forest. With more fear than hesitation, we had no other choice.

"Why'd Joy choose such a place?!?" Eagleator complained.

"We didn't know if they really chose it anyways." I replied. "How are you so sure about it?"

"What other place would they go anyway?" Eagleator questioned. "There's literally no other place than that forest! All that's left were houses of other people or whatsoever. Think about it, bro- if Lil' Joy decided to hide in one of their neighbours' houses, wouldn't it be easier for their parents to find them? They wouldn't want that, huh?"

I thought for a while and nodded.

"Sorry about that, bro." I apologised. "I was just too desperate to find Lil' Joy. Well, we don't even know what they looked like..."

"Yeah, so this mystery is really impossible to solve..." Eagleator sighed.

"Don't be so down, bro, you're not like yourself." I encouraged him. "The Eagleator I know is the 'Hothead', not a discouraged half-eagle, half-alligator, am I right?"

"Yeah, heh heh..." Eagleator chuckled. "Thanks bro..."

"You're welcome-"

I stopped for a while as I felt drops of liquid on my body.

"It rained?" I murmured. "But a second ago, it was-"

"Well, bro, I think it's both."

Eagleator gestured me as we both looked up and saw a ginormous man-eating plant, licking its lips as rain started pouring down.

Eagleator and I gulped with fear. We fled for our lives.

"What's going on with this forest?" I asked as I flew.

"How'd I know?!?" Eagleator replied hastily. "Liek aiim der wann hooo dechiddet tou antre dees cleapi pless een odar two fweea flomp meai pearannz- eef daatz de kes!"

"Huh?" I couldn't hear him as the plant gave a loud roar while he spoke. "What'd you just say?"

"Well, forget it!" Eagleator panted as he said. "Let's find some place to hide- how about that big bush over there?"

We headed towards a big bush and hid there as we saw the plant heading towards another direction.

We sighed a sigh of relief.

"Phew!" I said. "Wow, one second ago, I thought we're gonna be its bird feast! Am I right, bro?"

"How about now?" Eagleator whispered as we both looked up and saw the bush transforming into-

...a flying chameleon.

"We're doomed." The both of us said in unison. "We're both doomed."

[COMPLETED]- Hawkodile And Eagleator- The Search For A Long Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now